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How Do I Use Keyword Planner Tool And Traffic Travis?

Posts: 111
Joined: 16 Jul 10

How Do I Use Keyword Planner Tool And Traffic Travis?

Hi, whenever I type in google keyword tool into google, I go to there adwords place where it's located now, and they want me to start a "campaign" and give my creditcard information and know keywords already that I don't know about my niche, because I haven't been able to use the keyword search tool...

Okay, the training video I have for Traffic Travis is where it's in the 3.something version, but the version I am using is 4.0 and the layout is totally new and I can't find the right buttons like in the video..I'm trying to do keyword research, and I'm having an awful awful time. PLEASE HELP!!
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I totally agree and hope the videos get updated quickly. My 60 day money-back guarantee is getting close to the "I own it forever" point and don't like being frustrated either.
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Okay, I finally figured out how to get the Google Keyword Tool which is now changed to the Google Planner Tool. Here's how it works. Google wants you to make an Adwords Campaign, so just make anything up, enter your credit card information and what not, and when your all finished and done, delete the campaign so then it's not advertised and you'll never pay for it. Next hover over tools and there you will find the Keyword Tool. Hope that helps capecoderic1.

As for Traffic Travis, I am still blindfolded.
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I found a good YouTube video about the new Google Keyword Planner, search for:
"How to Use the Google Keyword Planner (vs. Keyword Tool) for SEO"
This should be the direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwstmbQDsr8

You don't need to enter a credit card or start a campaign as shown in the video.

Traffic Travis is another story. It only allows you to research 5 things a day unless you pony up another $100. Good luck Caleb, thx for your help.
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Keyword Planner Tool is used to figure out the exact keyword for a particular thing used in a website. If you use the exact keyword for targeting particular thing in website, you can come under the eye Google, which would in turn help you in increasing your ranking of website.

As soon as, your website comes under the eye of Google, you website ranking increases which in turn also helps increases the traffic of your website.

This happens because you visits increases automatically.
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