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How accurate are Traffic Travis Competition Levels?

Posts: 26
Joined: 24 Oct 12

How accurate are Traffic Travis Competition Levels?

I have really been going through the paces this week, making sure I have keywords that give my sites a better chance. One small question, though, does everybody find the Traffic Travis competition levels accurate? It's a great tool, but competition levels seem to be a bit off. I looked up a couple of popular terms that came up as "Relatively Easy to Rank for" but when I checked, those top ten sites were monsters! PR 5's, 4's and 3's. I know that this may be because of some SEO factor, but with PR 3 to PR5 as competition (SEO or not), wouldn't the keyword take a long time to rank for?

-Donald Ash
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I have also wondered about this.
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Hello Donald,

I understand your concern about the way Traffic Travis is estimating competition - although I don't think PR3 (or even 4) sites are hugely concerning; getting up to PR5 and 6 may take quite a while longer.

The thing to always keep in mind is that Traffic Travis can only guestimate difficulty. It does its very best (we've made sure of that) but, in the end, it's still only using a limited number of factors - it can't go out and do things like look at the competition's homepage and go "well, they're clearly not very good, we could beat them easily" or "well, they're outstanding - we've got no chance"; and, really, the same applies to any automated tool that guestimates competition.

At the end of the day, it's still just a computer looking at numbers and going "Yep, look pretty good".

Just take the results with a grain of salt, and do some independent verification (as you are doing). That said, don't be scared either; just because a site is shown to have a higher PageRank, or the like doesn't mean you can't muscle in on its territory :).
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Posts: 26
Joined: 24 Oct 12
Thanks for the response, jonathan. I'll keep those tips in mind when I' m assessing competition levels. I appreciate that.
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"If you use every drop of potential inside of you, no less, you will accomplish the impossible and your dreams will become tangible."
-Donald Brandon Ash
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The competition levels of Traffic Travis is accurate same as the other software. This is so true as results are supported by dated facts and sources.
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This topic was started on Nov 10, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
