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Home Made Solar Niche

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Joined: 13 Jul 09

Home Made Solar Niche

Hi everyone,
I wonder if anyone can help.....?
I have chosen home made solar as my first niche using the Afilorama buleprint...I am using Market Samurai as I have a Mac and am finding it a little challenging to compile a keyword list. My niche seems (at this stage) rather narrow by this I mean there don't seem to be alot of topics on solar diy, and I don't really want a boring site that doesn't convert.

Should I
A.) Focus on the nitty gritty of solar energy for my articles ie. "Thin Film Solar" even if there isn't much search volume
B.) Should I make my affiliate site more general and incapsulate more about sustainability? ie. Have articles about wind energy (even if I dont have a product for that area)

Im a little confused and am thinking about starting a new niche???
Any help would be appreciated...sorry if this seems very basic, I am very much a beginner!

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Posts: 869
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Hi Philippa,
I would include both.
The more articles you have related to Solar power the better.
Some pages may get most of the traffic but that is fine...
It's better to have more pages than less.

My 2 cents.
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Hi Philippa,

I am working on this niche as well and have gotten various general informative articles from an Elance writer which I mean to include since I believe Solar Panels for home use - or for farms as one example - is still rather new so I believe people apart from promotion of a Product will also require information.

Good Luck
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Posts: 5
Joined: 13 Jul 09
Thanks for your advice guys, I don't feel so overwhelmed now!
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Site Admin
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You can have a mix of broad (generic) and narrow (long tail incl product names and technical words) keywords in your list.

The Google Keyword tool can often help to give you some clues on different words you can use and their respective search volumes.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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kiwikelly wrote:Hi everyone,
I wonder if anyone can help.....?
I have chosen home made solar as my first niche using the Afilorama buleprint...I am using Market Samurai as I have a Mac and am finding it a little challenging to compile a keyword list. My niche seems (at this stage) rather narrow by this I mean there don't seem to be alot of topics on solar diy, and I don't really want a boring site that doesn't convert.

Should I
A.) Focus on the nitty gritty of solar energy for my articles ie. "Thin Film Solar" even if there isn't much search volume
B.) Should I make my affiliate site more general and incapsulate more about sustainability? ie. Have articles about wind energy (even if I dont have a product for that area)

Im a little confused and am thinking about starting a new niche???
Any help would be appreciated...sorry if this seems very basic, I am very much a beginner!


Philippa we are in the same Niche. This is what I did I sent an email to Earth4energy and requested a preview copy of their product so that I can get an idea on what I want to write about. They did better than thaat and gave me the whole dam course free of charge.

I havent tried the other Solar Power courses on Clickbank but Earth4Energy shocked me by being nice enough to send me the entire course. You'll find very specific Niche related keywords in the course. Send them an email explaining who you are and why it would be in their best interest to send you a preview copy (dont ask for the whole course) so that you can write a positive review.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Jun 09
GreenDIYenergy has overtaken Earth4Energy as the highest converter in this niche in Clickbank. I have their product - it's excellent.
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Anita Edge
Internet Marketing and Consulting

This topic was started on Jul 16, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
