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Google Sniper

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Google Sniper

Hi everyone, Does anyone know anything about Google Sniper? Seems similar to what Mark is teaching. Has anyone used it? and if so , Is it any good? Thx
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It is a very good and well written guide.

very different than what Mark teaches.

The idea with a sniper site is that you find an exact domain keyword and rank very easily for that term. So say that you are targeting left handed guitars you buy the domain lefthandedguitars(dot com, net, org) and easily rank for it on the first page of the serps.

It was originally lunched as a WSO, (A special offer on the warrior forum) here is the thread.

Even the warriors love it (doesn't happen often.)
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JC Dean
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You might also want to read through the most recent threads on Google Sniper:

Has google sniper become saturated

Does google sniper still works??
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The one thing I really dislike about the method is that it's filled the web with crap. You find so many silly little sites with two or three pages of absolute garbage which are 100% GS modeled sites. Of course there are other sites that are garbage as well...

The idea of using an exact match domain, which wasn't unique to this method, can still be useful. For some reason Goog gives way too much credit for it. In fact, if they wanted to get rid of a bunch of internet spam they should just ignore the domain name altogether... anyway... since it gives an advantage, use it and build a great site off of it.

Of course, people flock to the GS model because it's so simple. Does it work? Maybe... but if you are leaning towards it because it appears to take all the work out of internet marketing, I think you will be disappointed.
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Beldin wrote:The one thing I really dislike about the method is that it's filled the web with crap. You find so many silly little sites with two or three pages of absolute garbage which are 100% GS modeled sites. Of course there are other sites that are garbage as well....

That's people doing that, Has nothing to do with the method.
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JC Dean
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jcdean wrote:
Beldin wrote:The one thing I really dislike about the method is that it's filled the web with crap. You find so many silly little sites with two or three pages of absolute garbage which are 100% GS modeled sites. Of course there are other sites that are garbage as well....

That's people doing that, Has nothing to do with the method.

I agree, if you look hard enough, you can actually find a lot of Affilojetpack sites which are half baked, abandoned and close to garbage... does that make Affilojetpack crap??? No... its cause people didnt even bother to follow the instructions that are already laid out for them...

It just amuses me sometimes
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I also agree.

It is primarily how well you implement a program that determines your success.....and your input determines the degree of your success.
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I never said the method is crap or doesn't work, I know the method in detail so I'm not just blowing smoke. I just noted that since the inception of this particular model last year there has been a lot of sites that follow it, of which quite a few are small, low content sites (which in my mind are crap). I support making good quality sites that benefit the users, your mileage may vary.

The users of any method can do whatever they like with it.

BTW: I did also mention that there are other low quality, garbage sites out there. ;)
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There are plenty of good programs out there, in reality, too many. Do you have time to go through and truly implement everything? Probably not. If you were to focus on one program and do it right, you would be making enough money to not even worry about the next latest/greatest course.
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esolutions wrote:There are plenty of good programs out there, in reality, too many. Do you have time to go through and truly implement everything? Probably not. If you were to focus on one program and do it right, you would be making enough money to not even worry about the next latest/greatest course.

Jumping around is exactly what I did wrong for years.
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JC Dean

This topic was started on Nov 27, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.