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Google De-Indexed My Site

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Google De-Indexed My Site

I am at a complete stand still as to why my site is still de-indexed and how to get it back.

I have redesigned and rewritten every article so all are totally unique. I have purchased copyright free pictures, checked the site for overuse of keywords, made sure everything in the google quality guidelines is followed and then re-submitted it...

And it was STILL REJECTED...I don't understand what is wrong with this website?


This is the FOURTH TIME I have tried ...each time I change things, it makes no difference?


Dear site owner or webmaster of http://exchangeratecalculator.biz/,

We received a request from a site owner to reconsider http://exchangeratecalculator.biz/ for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines.

In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from http://exchangeratecalculator.biz/ may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines.

If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools ... tion?hl=en and resubmit your site for reconsideration.

If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support.


Google Search Quality Team
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Hmmm, not sure on this one.
Once again, the Mighty Google team have there dunce hats on again.
You do not have any ads on the site, so that can not be the problem.
The site looks nice and clean.
The info is good.
Not sure.
Have you purchased any paid backlinks or traffic? Google can see this and frowns upon it.

also you might want to check out this thread on the blog...

On a side note..just want to point out that you should rename your photo's with Keywords, instead of the standard money_400_01.jpg etc..

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-- Robert Brault
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Thanks for answering but I still need some answers...anybody??????

I have changed and resubmitted this site 4 times already...each time I get the same result as above?...it is all legal, clean and unique. It has links clearly showing all pages etc etc etc....

I have NOT paid for any backlinks or dodgy services at all...I haven't done any advertising or backlinking except some social bookmarking yet as I was waiting for it to be indexed before I promote it...I haven't even added adsense or any monetization at all.

I just don't get it..and GOOGLE hasn't even the decency to tell me why? What on earth is so wrong with it?
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I have forgot to mention the following which now that I think of it may be relevant...I still need help please?

This domain was once http://thomascookexchangerates.com. I was ordered to take that domain down by ThomasCook.com and the site was also de-indexed by google at the same time. I assume Thomas Cook made a complaint to google that I was using their trade name in my domain. I then told Thomas cook that I would obey their demand...and they were happy.

So what I did was change its domain to exchangeratecalculator.biz and redesigned the whole site including all the thomas cook links in it etc... and made a re-direct from thomascookexchangerates.com to my new domain of exchangeratecalculator.biz so that all the backlinks that the old domain had could be re-directed to the new domain. I then resubmitted the new domain to google for re-indexing and this when the sequences of redesigning and resubmitting started...with google saying the pages were still violating quality guidelines.

So do you think the re-direct thing is causing the problem? This is the only thing I can think of as everything else is totally in order.

I now believe google has de-indexed this site because I have a re-direct in place still that is directing traffic from a banned domain...Does this explanation sound feasible?

Your opinions and advice would be much appreciated?
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To be honest with you, this sounds like the reason as Google may have associated your new site with the old site and do not want to take any chances with it.
Not sure how to get around this but to register a new domain, however you will lose your backlinks like you pointed out.
Other than this...your site looks fine.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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I have deleted the 301 and also deleted any remains of the old site...I have lost all my backlinks now...but there is no link to the old site anymore so do you think it is safe to resubmit it now?
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Posts: 869
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Hi Sammy,
That is up to you.
I do not know why the site has been deindexed and we can only speculate.
Google does what it likes and we can only try and play by their rules.
Like I said, Your site looks fine to me.
I am still wondering why they deindexed it but the only thing I can think of is the sites history with thomas cook etc.

I hope you get it sorted out.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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I see this is from a couple of weeks ago, but I just tried to look at the site and I'm getting a "page not found" for the website you mentioned as not being able to get listed for. Could be that Google is declining it because it can't find it. If you have already bought the domain, you might just need to make sure that the domain registrar knows where the host is.

(Again, this is me looking at it a few weeks after the initial post.)

I tried browsing by clicking on the link and I also tried adding the www, but I couldn't surf to the site.
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In the end I gave up...I have registered a new domain and transferred the contents over to the new domain. The site is now http://exchange-rates-calculator.com
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This topic was started on Jun 19, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
