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Getting keywords from Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis

Posts: 9
Joined: 01 Sep 09

Getting keywords from Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis


Quick question. I've found a niche and a great keyword I believe. Using Google's keyword tool, the word yields 8,100 monthly volume results, but in Traffic Travis the daily results are 0.

8100/30 = 270/day; a volume level I've certainly spotted in Traffic Travis for other words, so my hypothesis that there isn't enough daily volume is false.

Any ideas on why TT would fail to yield a result?

Thanks for any help,

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Last edited by michellerana on 20 Sep 09 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: title changed to describe the post better

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What was the keyword(s) you were using and I can check up for you?

If you don't want to post here just private message details to me.
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gthomas3 wrote:Hey,

Quick question. I've found a niche and a great keyword I believe. Using Google's keyword tool, the word yields 8,100 monthly volume results, but in Traffic Travis the daily results are 0.

8100/30 = 270/day; a volume level I've certainly spotted in Traffic Travis for other words, so my hypothesis that there isn't enough daily volume is false.

Any ideas on why TT would fail to yield a result?

Thanks for any help,


I think it's because TT is constantly being updated and new search terms and volumes are being added all the time. If there is something that looks like -, then the search volume isn't 0. It just means they haven't added the info for that particular phrase. When I first started out, I used to totally rely on keyword research tools, but not anymore. Everyone kept telling me that it's about relevancy and that those tools are to be used only as a guideline, anyway. I didn't get what they were talking about until a while ago. Using a keyword tool is only part of conducting proper keyword research.

For example, I published a page on the 8th of this month about a certain product in my niche. Since it hasn't been out that long, there was no search volume or competition, but I created a page on it anyway because I saw it was selling and was on the up "swing," and based on what I know about my niche. Well, as I am writing this message, it has received more than 400 unique visitors and generated a number of sales for me. I am not even on the first page of Google for the main keyword, but I am ranked in Google for two product-related keywords--all without a keyword tool. I have also had pages that have converted at over 12%--even though there was no data in Google and the keywords did not get a lot traffic. It was steady, though.

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Posts: 9
Joined: 01 Sep 09
Thanks for the reply Joey. That's great to hear about your success generated by your own intuition. I think keyword tools are great for generating ideas on which way to point your ship, and I fully agree that they ought not to be used as the ultimate answer.

I think TT--in relation to keyword research-- just pulls data straight from Google and formats it though, similar to many other programs. This is why I found it odd it wouldn't return a result. There's no way TT staff add info regarding particular phrases or keywords, it would be impossible.
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