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Feedback for my site please

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Feedback for my site please

Hi everyone!

My girlfriend and I created a site targeting the men's dating niche with an emphasis on using texting to succeed in the dating game. Our website is http://howtotextgirlsandwin.com

I would like feedback on the landing page and how 'inviting' it looks. According to Google Analytics, I've had a rather high bounce rate recently. I would also like any tips and constructive feedback on how I can reduce this bouce rate and keep people on my site.

Any and all help is well appreciated!


Andrew (aka AJ)
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Hi Andrew,

I was not able to locate your landing page but the site as a whole looks great. You might need to change the layout for the home page though as it is showing a 3 column layout instead of 2 like your other pages. To do this, go to Affilotheme > Layout and Settings and pick a 2-column layout.

I like your articles. They are interesting provide value to your site's visitors. I suggest you add images to your articles though. This helps make the article more interesting, and helps break down the text on a particularly long article.

You might also want to place information on the footer content area so you do not have grey box there at the bottom. You can try placing links to your popular articles or some links to resources.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Andrew,

You need to improve your homepage in terms of graphics. The header is nice but I've noticed that there are a lot of "unused" spaces in your site that makes your site look empty. Like for example, the right column does't have anything in it. Also, you have a large space below, including the footer section.

If you do not have anything to add to these spaces, might as well switch to 2-column layout, just what Cecille suggested. :)

Also, try to have a sign-up form below your content. It is good to always make your sign-up form visible by laying them out to accessible places (at the side and at the bottom part of your site).

Your content looked "tiring" and "boring" (no offense meant). You may want to change the text perhaps or try to incorporate pictures (2-3 photos will do).

It's nice that you have all links laid out in your homepage content but I suggest that you have your content here short but valuable like instead of enumerating all pages in your site, you can instead provide readers benefits and advantages you can offer them. Sharing your experience (or someone else's) is also a good idea OR you can also provide feedback/testimonials on your homepage.

I hope that helps!

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Are there really people looking for info on how to text a girl?
I think men looking for relationship help need to know how to get a girls number.
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JC Dean
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@cecille.l I appreciate your honest feedback. On my home page (which I call the landing page) I made the switch to a 2 column layout and I can really see the difference. I will also add more images and try to make my site more "colorful".

@marytordecilla I appreciate your constructive criticism as well. I am not at all offended by your comments. In fact, if you feel my content looks "tiring and boring", then there are probably plenty of other visitors that feel the same. You're actually helping me become a better affiliate marketer with your brutally honest feedback.

@jcdean I have done my keyword research and market analysis, and there are plenty of guys looking for info on how to text a girl. In your defense, there's about two times more people searching for info on how to get a girl's number than how to text a girl. However, as I mentioned in a press release I submitted online, not only do I focus on how to win the texting game but all other aspects of the dating game. In other words, when a guy comes to visit my site, aside from getting him to sign up for my email course I make sure to provide content to helps guys in all stages (overcoming shyness, building self confidence, making that approach, talking to her, getting her number, when to call/text, making that first date, keeping a great thing going, etc.).

Thank you again everyone for your feedback. I will keep the forum posted on my success!
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Great tips by everyone, Hi AJ, cool initials mine are AJG, I'll just add that when I first went to the site I immediately labeled it a 'content site', not sure if that is what you intended it to be.

It is good to give a headline then a description then some bullets but the big blocks of text after that will never get read. People skim content unfortunately, so shorter paragraphs are a must.

scan-able content: http://www.copyblogger.com/scannable-content/

Also noticed you have the 'Meta' widget on the left panel, I don't think you need that showing, and if you don't have comments yet don't put that recent comments one up either it makes your site seem like it's dead even if it is dead you don't want to reveal that.

One more thing is to use the word FREE! in the pop over/up op-tin box, it doesn't say that the Email Course is FREE! Free is a powerful word. (My competitors love it lol.)

Hope this helps.

p.s. It's great you can take constructive criticism! "There is no limit to what you can accomplish
if you don't care who gets the credit." - Ronald Reagan 1981

.Andrew J. Garcia.
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Concerning the bounce rate: ask yourself how valueable your traffic is and where visitors came from.

About the website: I would avoid white space above 'the fold'. Besides that, I think the website looks good.
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Hi andrewjm1983,

Welcome. Glad to help :) I admire you taking all these criticisms the good way.

Good luck!

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