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Facebook Page Sharing Experiment

Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09

Facebook Page Sharing Experiment

Hi would anyone be interested in a Facebook Page that help shares your own FB page?

All you need to do is LIKE our page and post to our wall whenever you have content to share, then I will share it with our pages fans/friends, which gives you exposure and promotes interaction with similar pages to yours, you can like/share their stuff they can like/share yours etc etc.

The page is made already, I can share it here if enough are interested in this experiment, there are similar FB pages out there doing this they are called "like for like" pages or "share for share" (like reciprocal linking remember that lol) BUT that's not what I want to do, nobody has to like/share if they don't want to.

Would anyone be interested in that?
Or is this even a good idea? lol

I know that this FB page won't be of much help to you if I don't get a lot of Likes for it so I'm going to run FB ads for it as well. At the very least it could let new FB pages help get the 25 Likes it takes to be able to create a custom URL for your pages lol.

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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
Does anyone have a FB page they want to try to get more Likes/Fans for?

Also here's an example of another FB page that does this:

Or are you waiting for me to build my FB Page to 100,000 likes lol :P
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 42
Joined: 22 Apr 14
Looks interesting.
The FB page you posted seems like a classified ads page for FB. Is that also your objective?
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Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
Hi Jewel,

Yeah it was but for our friends and clients, I have changed directions though, now it will be "publishing" content instead of just having everyone post their stuff that they want people to buy.

So our friend's and client's articles, ebooks, maybe FB pages, and blogs will get shared.

That is of course if this experiment ever gets off the ground, right now it's just sitting there. I think I have to build up the audience first as an incentive for others to use it, or I can call it a FAIL and delete it and move on lol.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 42
Joined: 22 Apr 14
Working on a new page right now. I'd volunteer it as soon as it's fully up and running. :)
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This topic was started on Jan 06, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
