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Domain Name Importance

Posts: 91
Joined: 19 Jul 13

Domain Name Importance

Hey you all,

How important is it to have a .com vs like a .co or .net or .org
If you have a killer keyword that has low competition and very high global monthly searches, would it be ok to go with a .co, .net....etc.

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Posts: 79
Joined: 26 Jun 13
It is important to have a domain name because it helps in improving your marketing and to have a contact with you.
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Posts: 5
Joined: 06 Sep 10
Hi Jason!
As far as I have seen different opinions, tendency is that domain name, especially exact match domain name isn't that important anymore.
I personally would suggest to go with a .com, it has worked out for me the best, it's easiest to remember. .co is a little tricky, people may hit .com instead. .org should be fine too.
I think that domain name should be easy to read, easy to remember and hard to mix up with something else. And match with the topic of site's content. I have gave up with exact match domains and gone with .com's only. As far, it has worked out nicely.

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Posts: 91
Joined: 19 Jul 13
Thanks for the input. I tend to agree. Think we will just stick to the .com for our next website.


How are your websites going?
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Posts: 282
Joined: 05 Jan 13
I totally agree with marketing29. Yes, it is very important to own a domain. Most free website builders also allow you to open with a free sub-domain and then upgrade later.
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Posts: 9
Joined: 08 Apr 13
I've read different opinions on this topic, most of them says that domain name doesn't play an important role in SEO anymore ( as Mait stated above )

But, as domain is like address to your site, so, it has to be :

_ Keyword-oriented : yes, it doesn't play an important role in SEO, but it's still beneficial.

_ Easy to remember

_ Use .com, .net, .org : they're more common to customers than others ( big companies' sites often use these extensions )

_ Match to the site's content
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This topic was started on Aug 08, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
