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Buyer Keyword And Domain Name Question?

Posts: 64
Joined: 23 Nov 09

Buyer Keyword And Domain Name Question?

Hello everyone,
I have thought about venturing into the physical product market and signing up to amazon and clickbank etc... as well as mixing in clickbank. I have been doing some research on keywords. Specifically buyer keywords. From all our training we are taught to find buyer keywords. That is what I have done. Also, I have found keywords with little competition, in fact I can't believe it.

Now, I was doing domain name searches and for example I found one that was available and it is a exact name match for the buyer keyword. Question is do I purchase the domain for the buyer keyword and reverse engineer the site for a larger keyword.

For example, buy xyz xyz xyz is available. It is generic and only gets about 200 monthly searches. However the main keyword xyz xyz xyz gets 20,000 - 30,000 local exact matches but is extremely competitive.

The reason I am reluctant to spend time on it is because if you look up other sites for example in google like buy xyz xyz xyz all you see are junk on them and people wanting you to purchase the website. For example, I looked up buy golf clubs and it just has links to places to buy golf clubs but it doesn't rank very well. I think it was on the second or third page of google and it doesn't provide any information or value to the reader. I'm wondering if google penalizes you for this type of site or is it because maybe there just aren't very many backlinks going to the site.

I also looked up buy solar panels and when you do a search for buy solar panels you would think it would be at the top but it isn't either.

So is it worth reverse engineering or should I move on?

Second if I was to purchase the exact name domain for buy xyz xyz xyz how would you go about designing a site that would provide value to the incoming traffic yet move them on to the product. I think that is why you see so many of these types of sites with just links on them that provide no value. No reviews or anything like that. Just pushing them through as soon as they hit the site. I have done numerous searches over the years and have landed on these types of pages and I just get frustrated and leave right away because it seems to provide no value as a consumer. Thoughts anyone?
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REally, what it comes down to is when you see something you don't like, simply do it better than they are. A lot of these sites don't rank highly for the same reasons you dont like them.

It also really depends on the keyword. remember, if you optimize a site for a long tail buyer phrase like buy golf clubs online, you are also already optimized for all the shorter keywords within that phrase such as buy golf clubs, golf clubs online, and golf clubs. although these are all highly competetive phrases, with some good seo, and time, you can rank for those as well, but the more competetive they are, the more time it will take. It would probably take loads of links to rank for a phrase like Golf Clubs, but your site optimized for Buy golf clubs online would be well optimized for it.

After that, it is simply a matter of writing articles about the various golf clubs avalable. think about how many different types of clubs there are, the different styles of shafts, different grips, etc... you can also use more general golfing tips on that site. write articles about the different types of shots, and which clubs are best for them, etc... IDK golf very well, but with my limited knowledge, those are just a few ideas for that particular niche.

a lot of it comes down to how well you really know your niche. the more you know about it, the better you will be able to create a site that people interested in that niche will like.
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golf balls, golf tees, golf shoes, golf bags, golf club covers, golf ball washers.... There's a ton of things you can look at when it comes to golf besides the mechanics. Care and storage of equipment, for example, might be a good topic for an article.

And the same holds true with most everything that relates to physical products.

As a Cubmaster (recent title I "acquired" :D) I can tell you there are about 100 to 200 different TYPES of products -- just to go camping. (Hmmm.... Maybe I should look into this when I have more time.... Especially if I want to get into physical products...) Any sport has all sorts of equipment to use, not to mention apparel, that you could target. Lawn and garden has a ton of things that could be targeted... Home repairs has a ton.... There really is a lot out there once you start taking a look around. It's just a matter if learning how to take advantage of what people are already doing and directing them to your funnel so they can spend cash that winds up in your wallet.

And think about this.... 300 searches a month is 10 searches per day. Have 10 of these, and even if only 1% make it to your site, then that's a visitor a day. (And I'd be willing to bet money that if you have at least 10 like this, you'd be getting way more than 10 a day.)

Happy trails!
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Thanks for the tips guys. Would you keep buy xyz xyz as the homepage since it is the buyer keyword and domain name? I am at a loss for how to design this site because if it was #1 on google for buy xyz xyz then they would be there to purchase as soon as they landed on that page and I wouldn't want them to read to much as for fear of them wandering off. Wouldn't I want to push them on through right away to the products. So should I just create links to all the keywords on the buy xyz xyz page if it is the homepage or should I have an article optimized for buy xyz xyz? I have found probably 50 keywords with good local monthly searches exact and 4 or 5 stars in TT.

Then I was thinking the posts could be all the keywords that I have found that provide value and info to the visitor. I just want to make sure it not one of those sites that just has links to products on it without providing any value to the consumer like I previously mentioned before. That is why I am having trouble with this site design. I have never found a buyer keyword as the domain name before.

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you only want one or at most 2 keywords for each page on your site. it really doesn't matter what your home page is. your focus needs to be on getting traffic to yourinternal pages anyway not your home page.
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