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Anchor Text Rich Controversy. Can it actually hurt rankings?

Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Jan 11

Anchor Text Rich Controversy. Can it actually hurt rankings?

Hey all,

Going through Matt Carter's Rapid Profit Formula he mentioned to include internal links and backlinks to your site with rich anchor text. That means, contextual text, linking to your homepage, using your target keyword as the anchor text. Matt suggests to do this as much as possible.

On the other hand, Neil Patel writes that using too much Rich Anchor Text can actually be detrimental to your rankings. He suggests to use it less than 10% of the time.

Here is the article I'm referencing: http://www.quicksprout.com/2011/02/02/5 ... -rankings/

I'm wondering what you guys think about this. Is Neil write or is Matt? Any and all feedback will be much appreciated!

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Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
Matt is right IMHO,

I do think you should have some links to your pages with variations of your keyword and even a "click here" once in a while but for the most part use the keyword.

If you are targeting the Keyword "Blue sports widgets" it does not look unnatural at all for a link pointing to that page to have the anchor text "Blue sports widgets"

It won't hurt if some links say "Blue widgets" or "Sports Widgets" or even "Cheap blue sports widgets" and a "click here" once in a while, but I would have Most have the exact keyword.

Matt teaches in his free course he offers from his blog not to worry about switching up the anchor text too much unless you are building 300 or more links to a single page. I think he is right.
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Last edited by jcdean on 26 Mar 11 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

JC Dean
Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
yeh, it all has to do with volume. if you are doing hundreds or thousands of links, you need to vary it up , but if you pick the low competition keywords like he teaches its not necessary.
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Aweeeeessome! Thank you both :)
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