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What URL should I submit to Google Analytics

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Joined: 26 Nov 09

What URL should I submit to Google Analytics


I am a newbie with some queries... Grateful if you could help

1. Exactly what url do I submit to google analytics ... the domain name like girlstoys.com or the complete url of the wordpress post I am wanting google to analyze ... ie the exact page I am wanting to analyse ?

2. I have started using Traffic Travis and want to optimise my sites better...

Where in Wordpress do I submit the meta description.. what exactly is this and what information , for example , should it contain ?

How do I list my sites in DMOZ and the Yahoo directory

Appreciate answers as per a newbie learner who needs exact instructions !

Thanks a lot

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If using wordpress the first thing you want to do is get an xml site map:
Google xml sitemaps plugin by Arne Brachhold is a good one.

You can also read this post: https://www.affilorama.com/site-building ... g-sitemaps

Then submit to google webmastertools
Read this post: https://www.affilorama.com/search-engine ... exed/in:70

Then submit site to google analytics: If you've got the xml sitemap set up you just enter your domain name.

You'll also need to add the google analytics tracking code to your site. That can be tricky if you don't know what you're doing - it also depends on what theme you're using.

For meta stuff you'll need to source a good seo plugin which enables you to enter those details.

DMOZ: you'll need a quality 50+ page site to get in there.
Yahoo: will put you back $300 or so.
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Thanks for replying... however I'm still not clear as to:

Whether I should submit the simple domain name as the URL or the URL of the post I am wanting to promote which includes the domain name as well as the title in the permalink

Please could you also give me more detail about the the meta description. I still dont understand what this is. What , for example would be a good plugin to enter those details... and what exactly should those details be ?

Also could you tell me if when using the google xml site maps it is absolutely neccessary to have an about and contact page to do so. i want to avoid doing this immediately because i want to make sure that my post resolves first in the google listings.

I'd appreciate it is you could help me


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Posts: 74
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I presume you're talking about the Title Tag, Description Tag and H1 Tag results in Traffic Travis

This post explains all the meta stuff: https://www.affilorama.com/search-engine ... eo-factors

A good WP plugin for all this is All in One SEO - but it depends according to yor theme.

About and Contact pages are important for the transparency of your website so you don't want to do away too much stuff like that - otherwise you'll lose the trust factor. With google xml sitemaps there are ways to make these pages less pronounced though.

Once you've installed the xml sitemap plugin go into google analytics.
Click Add Website Profile
Add a Profile for a new domain section: enter your website url in the box. - not seperate posts.
Click finish
Google analytics will give you a code - follow their instructions and you are good to go.
If you are finding it difficult to install analytics code into your website I think yoast has a wp plugin - but i've never used it.
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In submitting your site to Google you need to establish a gmail account. After establishment of the email account you can go into the webmaster section. As Toby101 stated there are several requirement for your website to fulfill before it meets the requirements of Google. The information Google will request is the main URL name; not the individual page addresses. Google will crawl the site within a short period where it will discover the individual pages on your site.

If you are referring to pinging a specific page that you have just published to your site Affilorama has a pinging tool that will make that an easy simple process. I believe the "Ping Tool" is part of the Premium Membership. In the case of pinging that would be to the individual newly published page.

I highly recommend you purchasing AffiloBluePrint to assist you in your website creation. It is an excellent step-by-step program that will greatly speed up your ability to create quality affiliate websites.
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Chants wrote:2. I have started using Traffic Travis and want to optimise my sites better...

Where in Wordpress do I submit the meta description.. what exactly is this and what information , for example , should it contain ?

Install Platinum SEO Pack plugin and edit your meta keywords and description on your homepage by logging in to your WP dashboard. Go to Settings > Platinum SEO then enter your keywords and meta description on Home Description and Home Keywords. For your other posts, just click the post title and scroll down at the bottom of the page and you'll see the Platinum SEO box.

Meta Keywords - Enter the keywords that you want to rank for.

Title Tag- A title tag is displayed in search results and can help users recognize if the page is likely to be relevant to their search. The title should have your page's primary keyword(s). It is recommended that this should have between 39 and 71 characters. It should not be more than 71 characters because Google will only show a maximum of 71 characters of the title tag.

Meta Description - A short description of your website that appears below the home title in Google search results. Provide relevant and helpful information that would interest users to click your link in search engine results. Your meta description should be at least 120 characters but not be more than 157 characters.

Chants wrote:How do I list my sites in DMOZ and the Yahoo directory

Follow these instructions to submit your site in DMOZ.

For Yahoo Directory submission guidelines, please go to this page: Yahoo! Directory Listings
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Thank you so much everyone for all your help

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You're very welcome, Chantelle :)

All the best!
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive

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