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What is the key to improve my site's page rank?

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What is the key to improve my site's page rank?

Could someone please advice how I can optimize my new site http://www.bestgroomweddingspeech.net/

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Last edited by michellerana on 10 May 10 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi, Josh.

Cover the basics on your road to higher PR:

Links from high quality sites (try the trusted sites tool here) with juicy anchors
Quality, unique and fresh content regularly, well "silo'd" to your focus topic
Quality Social Bookmarking
Abide by all google's webmaster guidelines for site contents
Avoid anything black-hat or spammy
Wait, wait wait! (the hard part)
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There are many ways to improve your site page rank like:

*Submit your site into high page rank directories
*Post Article
*Press Release
*Forum Posting
*Classifieds Etc:

Do All above things, I guarantee your page rank will be improve soon.
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THanks Guys,

I really appreciated your honest advice. Will look into doing the hard work of all the above as suggested.

Do you know on average how long it generally takes to get into 1st page ranking of Google ? 1-6 months or more ? considering I've fully optimized my site SEO ?

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josh888 wrote:Do you know on average how long it generally takes to get into 1st page ranking of Google ? 1-6 months or more ? considering I've fully optimized my site SEO ?

This is something that's really really hard to say. It all depends on many factors and fully optimizing your site for the search engines (on-page SEO) is just one of them. Build backlinks, have quality content that's regularly updated, and, again, wait (but keep building backlinks and adding quality content).
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Give quality content , and share it among social networking sites and write blogs and submit to blog sites and even bookmark those blogs which can give you backlinks. And forum posting is another way to link building and alternative alt tags are a way to optimize keywords from avoiding penalization and thus increases page rank for a website.
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In my opinions there are many freelance seo services providers are available to who will help you to improving your site rank and traffic.
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Page Rank is certainly one of the most important algorithms existing today. It is used by Google to assign a value to each page on the Internet, measuring importance or influence of its content. The most obvious solution will be to get as many incoming links as you can, while shutting down your site and not linking to anyone else.

Thanks and Regards,
Rover Hardy
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Just get some back links from High PR sites. And keep the link velocity in constant ratio..
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total noob question .. how do you find out your page rank
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PageRank is value given to a website by Google based the site's age, traffic, inbound links from other authority sites and site quality. For more information, please watch this lesson: What is Google PageRank?

You may also find out your other pages' PR using Affilorama's page rank calculator: https://www.affilorama.com/free-tools/pa ... calculator

Or install Affilorama's SEO toolbar on Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefo ... o-toolbar/
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To improving any site PR need a lot of backlinks through SEO and SMM. SEO includes promoting your site in different Social bookmarking site, Blog commenting , Marketing in Forums.
SMM includes Promoting in Facebook, twitter, Google+ and Other social Media Sites.
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Increase Page Rank by Acquiring Backlinks

1. Blog commenting
2. Directory listing
3. Social media Profile
4. Guest blogging

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Well you should use SEO techniques to rank your site for this you need to promote your site one the forums, blogs, articles, photo sharing sites, etc and can got more back links for your site, that will rank your site.

You should also promote your site on the social networking site such as on the Facebook and Twitter .

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You can always use some of the best off page SEO methods for improving the page rank of a website. Here, i have shared five effective methods of off page SEO :-

(1) Article submission.
(2) Social bookmarking.
(3) Blog commenting.
(4) Forum posting.
(5) Classified submission.
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To improve your page rank you have to do the following
You should get a link back from high PR websites
Your internal linking structure should be properly done

To get links from high PR website, do blog commenting and forum discussions.
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