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Unauthorized links added to my article by article site

Posts: 240
Joined: 29 Jun 06

Unauthorized links added to my article by article site

I have been submitting articles and I found a site which has added my article, but they have added links throughout the body text and also in the resource box,where my link shoud be.What do I do?I wrote to them to ask them to remove these links or remove the article.Do I have any recourse if they do not? Should I even care? I do care especially in the resource box. here is the link to the articel if you want to see what I mean.thanks for any advice.

(broken link removed)
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Last edited by ampie g on 26 Jan 10 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed

Posts: 18
Joined: 01 Nov 06
I've had the exact same thing happen to me. It drove me nuts. One Web site changed my link in my resource box to direct back to a page within their own Web site! Ugh!

Besides doing what you did--e-mail them to ask them to take it down--I don't think there's anything more that you can do.

In the future, continue to e-mail Web sites who do this sort of thing, but, I'd suggest, not investing a lot of energy into worrying about, nor stressing over it. From my experience, the number of sites who do use one's articles properly far outnumber those that don't.

The other thing I have learned to do is, in the resource box, put your URL both as text and as an active link. (Have it twice.) That way, if someone does find your article at one of these sites, if they are really intrigued, they could take the extra step and copy the link and paste it in your address bar.

Here's an example of what I mean:

Wendy Wallace is an intuitive counselor offering sessions which combine psychic reading, life coaching and counseling all to help heal your mind, body, and spirit. What changes might you make in life if you could know what the future holds? Sign up for a chance to win a free reading. Gain the insight you need. (http://www.ifyoucouldknow.com)

I hope this helps!
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Posts: 240
Joined: 29 Jun 06
thanks.to the sites' credit they did write back and offer to fix it!
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Posts: 1085
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Honestly dude I wouldn't worry about it. There are probably countless others that did too but the fact is, it works, and those sites will eventually be caught onto. Just keep pumping out the articles.

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