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traffic travis and back link rank

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

traffic travis and back link rank

I check traffic travis often to check back links and always see the places my back links are coming from with a 0 page rank. many of the sites they are coming from are high rank sites but the link is coming from an article on there site. so how does traffic travis determine that even though the link is coming from an internal page it isn't from part of the site with high rank. same goes for google we are told to post on high rank sites and submit to high rank article sites like ezine articless so why doesn't TT show them with a high rank and how does a site with a high rank not show as high rank on TT. also does Google show the same thing. Is it because the link is coming from my article bio and the page the article is on doesn't have a high page rank, if this is not true then why.. then how does a link coming from a high rank site not show as coming from a high rank site. just trying to understand the link stuff a little more, thanks Mark
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Posts: 1895
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Hi Mark,

PageRank is assigned to individual web pages and not to whole websites. Even if certain pages on a site have very high PR, it does not automatically extend to all other pages on the same website.
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
If this is the case then how can anyone get a back link from a high pr site because even if a high rank site uses an article and puts it on there site unless it goes onto there main page with the high pr then they would probably ad a page to run the article and the page wouldn't have a rank. This is difficult to comprehend . It is saying that I won't get a high pr link from a high pr site until my article on the sites page becomes high ranked itself. Mark
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If you submit your article to a site that has high PR pages, it has more chance of getting PR than when you put it up on a site that has no high PR pages.

Take one of my sample articles as an example. I first published it on my personal blog. Then, on finding out that I could also put it on ezineraticles as long as I can establish that I am the author of that article, I also submitted it there. My article on ezinearticles now has PR1. See it at:

http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Write- ... id=4049124

But the same article on my personal blog does not have PR. See http://faradina.com/writing-effective-c ... ion-essays
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I understand what you are saying but we are always told to get links from high pr sites but if we are doing article marketing how can we ever get a link from a site with lets say a pr 6 without our article becoming a pr 6. How do we get a link from the high pr part of there site. Mark
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Mark, page rank does not matter for SEO, as rumor has it. In any case, if you get a link from a site that is ranking high in Google, it will give you more "link juice" than from a low ranking site (ranking in terms of place on SERPs). I would be more concerned with how the site is ranking for the keywords you are targeting.
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I agree with kdruhl, High PR really doesn't mean as much as it did a few years ago. However, if you want high pr backlinks, then that means you need to raise the PR of the pages that you are using. The best way to do that is through building links and getting traffic tot that article.

It takes more work, but Proper SEO is a lot of work. building links to your links is time consuming, and you don't want to do it to all of your links.
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