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Social bookmarking

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Social bookmarking

Is social bookmarking useful for building valuable links since the Panda update? If so, what are the best social bookmarking sites? And, what would be the best strategy? - I have heard some people say that you shouldn't just bookmark your own sites, otherwise Google won't put much weight on these links.
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There is a technique that I believe still works. For the best detail on the technique method I would refer you back to Matt Carter's product called Backlink Blueprint.

In this program he tells how to use social bookmarking in such a manner whereby you reinforce the links by linking back through other bookmark sites. He has a diagram that explains the process along with a short video providing a full explanation.
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Social bookmarking helps - but like all SEO things you need it to part of a mix. If you can afford it bookmark some of your key online articles and reviews using services like WLmarketing or submit edge. 20-30 bookmarking submissions per post/page should be enough.

Then do your own authority bookmarking on delicious - again you want to bookmark your key online content + key offline content (press releases, key off site articles etc) and a fair amount of other stuff (even competitors if they are good). The aim here is to build up your own authority bookmarking account. Once you've done that use the delicious account and import it into another 10 or so major bookmarking sites.
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Bookmarking sites work a lot like any other social site. If you scratch their back they will scratch yours, if your content is good enough to scratch. In other words, make friends, and bookmark their content. then they will bookmark yours. I bookmark my own content 1/10 bookmarks that I do.

Which sites to use?

Really it depends on the niche. Digg did me a lot of good in the dating niche, but I don't use it much in IM, StumbleUpon was the opposite. Delicious is wacked out right now since Yahoo sold it, and don't know where it will land. MrWong works in some weird niches. I used to get a ton of shares with my woodworking site, but others not so much.

There are thousands of them out there, and there are even some that are niche specific, and only allow links to sites within that niche. Also some don't like affiliate sites, so you have to check the rules before you use them.

It takes a lot of testing to get it down. I had over 400 at one time, and I tested them all, and dropped the ones that weren't bringing traffic to my sites.

Bookmarking for SEO is a waste of time. most of them are NO follow, and very little link juice to your site. The best benefit is the ability to network with other people in your niche.

Also, don't just bookmark and run. meet people, network, comment on other bookmarks, do reviews on StumbleUpon. its all about the networking. if you are just doing it for a link,, go spam somewhere else.
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Social bookmarking is good for seo off page optimization. With the help of social bookmarking, you can get better traffic and also get better backlinks.
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In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These bookmarks are usually public, and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of public and private domains. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks by category or tags, or via a search engine. It helps to increase the page rank.
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Social bookmarking is not really about building links as much as getting direct traffic to your sites. Most bookmarking sites are no follow links so you won't be getting much link juice for them. It's more about engaging the people and sharing sites that you find interesting, joining groups related to your niche, and building relationships with people.
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We make quality links for link building process. For making quality links we do article submission, forum posting, blog commenting and so many other process. Social bookmarking is one of the best method to increase the traffic.

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I read this topic because I believe social bookmarkings are important. Many companies sell bookmarkings and likes (facebook & google plus).

Do you think the impact on the SERPs especially for 1+ is high rated by google?
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There was a study made by a Search Engine Watch author which concluded that Google +1 button increased rankings by 20% which also led to a corresponding increase in Clickthrough rate (CTR) though the author said that the keyword phrase used was not competitive enough: Effects of the Google +1 button researched: download the whitepaper

You could also do your own study by monitoring the impact of Google +1 with Webmaster Tools and Analytics. You can generate a social engagement report. which tell you the number of visits there have been and how many resulted in social interaction.
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Anyone out there with experiences on adding www.addthis.com bars to your sites? I have the problem by implementing it in the normal source code of the body part that everything is shifted downwards with a big white space in the upper part of the homepage.

sorry you must think I'm the biggest newbie here on this forum, and I guess you are right
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To be honest, social bookmarking is better for indexing and traffic, rather than building meaningful links (as Michelle said above) This does not mean they have no use, but don't expect hundreds of backlinks with high weighting.

Clever, engaging, witty, or emotionally charged content can quickly generate hundreds, if not thousands of visitors in a short space of time.
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social bookmarking is really works to increase traffic on your website, Blogger, rather than building meaningful links
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Anything with the word "Social" in it shouldn't be looked at as a way to get links. It should be viewed as a way to interact with people involved in your niche directly and build the relationships needed to survive in this social web.

Social media and social bookmarking links do little for seo rankings generally. however, Google has been testing and is going full into social search, so you should still be involved in social media. check out this article from Ben Parr (formerly of Mashable) on Google Social search and how it will impact your trafffic.

http://benparr.com/2012/01/google-searc ... be-scared/

One thing that really comes into play here is looking at the fact that when people do a search, the personalized results will come up before organic results, so if you want those higher rankings, you need to be in as many social circles within your niche as you can possibly get. The more people you have sharing your content on social sites, the more likely it will be that you will show up when people use search engines now.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Social book marking is best way to build good and quality back links. Social book marking also help to getting indexed faster through Google. Social book marking work to market your online business in a viral manner. It is helps in getting good traffic to your site. Social book marking also helps in getting good ranking to your site.

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As per my knowledge So Social bookmarking is best way to generate traffic as well as back links on your site. I have used this technique and I think its best but Keep use dofollow links for submission.

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Social book marking is the technique for Internet users to store and manage bookmarks of website on Internet. Help of tags or keyword on website social book marking site manage our web site. Social Book marking is great tool for link building.
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Social Bookmarking websites is the best for high PR back links. I want to increase my client website rank with it and I found a good seo service *Link removed by moderator* . Now I am able to make my client more happy .
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Social bookmarking is a great SEO tool for a number of reasons. The first is that it creates additional inbound links to your content, which is always a good way to gain the attention of search engine bots and increase your page ranking.
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some SB websites even offer Do-Follow links, so its infact very useful to get a link back from a PR7 or PR8 website! also for SB websites like Twitter...if you have good number of followers you would get a lot of traffic..
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jmpruitt wrote:Bookmarking sites work a lot like any other social site. If you scratch their back they will scratch yours, if your content is good enough to scratch. In other words, make friends, and bookmark their content. then they will bookmark yours. I bookmark my own content 1/10 bookmarks that I do.

Which sites to use?

Really it depends on the niche. Digg did me a lot of good in the dating niche, but I don't use it much in IM, StumbleUpon was the opposite. Delicious is wacked out right now since Yahoo sold it, and don't know where it will land. MrWong works in some weird niches. I used to get a ton of shares with my woodworking site, but others not so much.

There are thousands of them out there, and there are even some that are niche specific, and only allow links to sites within that niche. Also some don't like affiliate sites, so you have to check the rules before you use them.

It takes a lot of testing to get it down. I had over 400 at one time, and I tested them all, and dropped the ones that weren't bringing traffic to my sites.

Bookmarking for SEO is a waste of time. most of them are NO follow, and very little link juice to your site. The best benefit is the ability to network with other people in your niche.

Also, don't just bookmark and run. meet people, network, comment on other bookmarks, do reviews on StumbleUpon. its all about the networking. if you are just doing it for a link,, go spam somewhere else.

I think this post says it all..

Just one difference though.. Social bookmarks are a good source of traffic and even backlinks at many times.... if you have a good diversity then you should not miss these links even if they are no follow
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its not so much that they are no follow, although that is a factor, but more that google sees them as low quality because of all the bookmark spammers out there, so they don't do you as much good as say a guest post on a popular blog.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Social Bookmarking useful for increasing traffic and indexing a web page
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Social Bookmarking is technique used in SEO which is used to increase traffic on our website. It is mostly used to increase traffic instead of getting backlinks. Therefore it is a better technique which is used to increase traffic.
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Social Bookmarking is one of the technique which has survived Panda And Penguin updates. Normally I choose 40-50 sites including mixx, digg and other top sites ....and then on a daily basis I write a post on my blog and bookmark it on 10 sites , and next day new post and bookmark on 10 new sites and so on....And believe me things have worked for me. I get around 200 UV daily to my blog with this.....
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Some FREE Edu Links

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With the current trend social media plays the major roll, it is one of the best ways of site promoting .
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I got an opportunity to follow Prince2 training with Prince2 courses in UK.
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social bookmarking is used to bring traffic to your site at the same time it can get backlinks from search engines and is to keep your bookmark organized, manage and store.
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Reddit, Digg, Stumbleupon and Delicious can drive some good traffic if you get some good content bookmarked and can lure people in with catchy headlines. You can also be a bit 'black hat' about it and buy 'diggs' and 'stumbles' etc on Fiverr and use them to boost your posts and drive some traffic.
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easyrider wrote:Is social bookmarking useful for building valuable links since the Panda update? If so, what are the best social bookmarking sites? And, what would be the best strategy? - I have heard some people say that you shouldn't just bookmark your own sites, otherwise Google won't put much weight on these links.

well you are looking for many question to be answer in the same time.
yes social bookmarking is useful for link building strategies and you can search easily through google the best social bookmarking sites.

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Obviously social book marking play great role in the SEO . and its the the one of the necessary technique of it .
so one have to social book marking in the well known sites .

Reddit, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon are most commonly used site around the world so one should be submit his site one these and others site aswell.

Obviously you have to work on the other techniques of seo along with the social book marking .

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