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SERP Questions

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Joined: 16 Dec 09

SERP Questions

I am new to this SEO process but my site has been indexed by Google but I don't show up anywhere in the first 20 something pages of results. Traffic Travis has given my site an A ranking and I have done all I know to do at this point. I am searching and learning more and I know I definitely need more links to and from. My base question is, how long does it take to appear in SERP? My site has been active for about 2 weeks now.
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Posts: 10
Joined: 15 May 09
What keyword are you trying to rank for?
It depends on many factors:
1-how competitive is your niche
2-the keyword you are trying to rank
3-the PR and Backlinks your competitors have
4-quality of your articles
5-your backlink quality
6-does your keyword appear in your domain name
On-page SEO is only one factor in how Google ranks sites,Off-page is a bit more involved.
You may get into the top 500 but that counts for little, you need to get into the top 10 to see any real traffic to your site, and that takes time and effort for a new site.
Just my 5 cents worth.
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"Does your success depend on Luck? - Yes, the harder you work, the luckier you become".
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Joined: 16 Dec 09
Thanks for the reply!

I think I know that my keywords are maybe too broad. I am kind of embarrased by that fact, but since we are all in the business, they are "marriage advice". I know they are broad but I don't have a ton of experience with researching them, chosing them, and how many or what. I am studying all I can on this site but time and brain absortion are the limiting factors. My site is "www.makemymarriagebetter.com" if you want to look. I originally chose the keywords "marriage better" and included them when I registered my site name but then I learned a little more and realized that might not be a good search term, but it was too late. I have included the new search words in the H1 section and that helped.

I guess now I have to work on off-site stuff. I am doing by right now by creating links from ezinearticles, squidoo, and friends blogs as well as my blog. I understand all the items you mentioned, I just have to make the time to do get it all accomplished. I am too anxious to see the site rank, that is all.

I appreciate your advice and am open to all who would like to reply.
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Posts: 47
Joined: 29 May 09
I know this has nothing to do with seeing your site move up in the search engines but on your landing page it seems as if you have four links away from your site to somebody else's (romantic,Relationships,relationship and relationship). Unless you have an opportunity to make some money from the places that you are sending them you may want take those links out.
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Give somebody a hug>> http://www.cafepress.com/artbyemily1
Posts: 3
Joined: 16 Dec 09
Thanks, you may be correct about removing those links, but I just threw them in there for additional links to other sites in an effort to help SEO, but now that you mention it, it may divert traffic away from me more than it helps. Thanks.

I am thinking I am up against a mountian with these keywords and this broad of a subject matter, but I have the site now and will work with it.
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