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how to use AMR in the most time efficient way?

Posts: 78
Joined: 16 Oct 09

how to use AMR in the most time efficient way?

Anyone using AMR (article marketing robot)? Currently, I'm using it but I found that it take too much of my time (entering captcha and all) for every submissions. I'm thinking about outsourcing or using decaptcha services (i think it's around $2 for 1000 captcha). Any suggestions?
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Posts: 54
Joined: 29 Jul 10
Just use the decaptcha service and it will be back to auto again : )
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Posts: 78
Joined: 16 Oct 09
hey KragYe, do you use the decaptcha service as well? How do they work and how reliable are they?
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Posts: 186
Joined: 11 Jul 10
If you use decaptcher... its free... just register for an account and don put any money in it... of course it wont be able to solve every captchas but still around 50-70% of them.... not sure about death by captcha though
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Posts: 112
Joined: 06 Dec 10
ON their website it says...

"Captcha Solving - Those squiggly lines of text, solved!"

Is this service not included? The site says nothing about it being an extra service.
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