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How Important is fresh content?

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How Important is fresh content?


Let's say I have a blog with 5 pages. Each of them targeting a different long term keyword in the same niche.

How important is it to add content to that site, compared to just building backlinks to the pages?

Of course doing both would be the best solution.

But if you had to rate it, how much impact has the fresh content part?

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Last edited by michellerana on 13 Oct 09 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added spaces

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Search engines love fresh content but what it loves even more is fresh, Relevant content. There's no point just adding new content for the sake of it being new - it won't help.

But if your content is relevant, unique and in demand (based on keyword popularity) then absolutely it can help get your site ranked.

Search engines factor in how 'stale' a document is and drop it down the rankings accordingly. A stale document can be because other the page is out of date, or hasnt been updated for a long time, or the topic is no longer relevant. So focus on both to keep the search engines coming back!
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Thanks Mark,

appreciate your fast response.

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Fresh content will keep both customers and search engines coming back to your site. Updating your site often and adding new content is an invitation for search engine spiders to repeatedly crawl your site and index new posts.

Some site owners even say that Google gives a bump to sites after every change. High ranking in SERPs will get your site noticed and potentially linked to. However, you need good quality content to remain high in site engine rankings so your content should be interesting, pertinent and unique.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Fresh and unique content always play an important role in the terms of SEO.
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Is it important to update/extend the article pages, or is adding new articles ok too, or perhaps better?
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Updating current articles is fine but adding new articles would make your site more interesting and encourage your customers to keep coming back. You will also get you ahead of your competitors since your site always generates new content.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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One last question; how often should I add an article? If I were to outsource article writing, I'd want to be sure it would be profitable considering each article costs money. E.g. adding one new article every week, two or per month?

Thanks, Rudolf
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It depends on your website. It's not necessary to add articles each time. You may add videos or images. Make sure that the content that you create is relevant to your visitors. For your homepage, you may make a few changes like updates or news or rearranging/changing your images once a week. For your subpages, you may update it twice a month just to make sure you are up-to-date with current prices and special offers.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Fresh content is very important in SEO. content is the king in SEO.Fresh content is really helps to get more visitors to the website...
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mark schaaf
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If you have a site with some pages that are explaining something lets say how to build a dog house and the article on how to do it is perfect then how do you change a web page like this, wouldn't a great instructional article be better left alone or should it be re done with all new wording,
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You should revise the article if it needs to be updated (ie there are broken links, information is not anymore relevant, etc). Otherwise you could just leave it as it is and add new articles for fresh content.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Fresh content is very important for seo.. true.. but your content should focus on the visitors and not the search engine.. Imagine your visitors like your content and keep coming back to see the same content, in that case you must retain the same content.. for this you must analyze your visitors and you must note who is coming back and which page is he visiting often.. use google webmaster tools.. it gives all the information you need.. Freshness must be there..but not at the cost of visitors.. if you are running a news website, then i agree with you...
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Basics of forex trading, stock market and mutual funds
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I'd like to weigh in on everyone's questions...

First when faced with fresh content vs. backlinks that's like asking would it be better to have food or water, my answer you absolutely NEED both. The more fresh your content, the more relevant you are to the search engine spiders, and those are the guys we're trying to impress ;)

As far as article marketing goes, I could go into tons of detail but i JUST wrote a great article in my blog about it that I suggest you read. It's very in depth and can be found here, http://www.seo-4-affiliates.com/interne ... marketing/ .

http://www.seo-4-affiliates.com has FREE SEO, SEM and Web Design help, tutorials and practical applications all written to provide affiliate marketing help.

My methods are easy to understand, simple to implement and, if done correctly, will help you generate more affiliate dollars.
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