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Getting My Page Indexed In Google

Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Nov 09

Getting My Page Indexed In Google


I have recently reviewed an internet marketing product called Whitehat Copycat.

At first I published the post with the url= http://www.netuserreviews.com/courses/n ... nouncement

30 minutes after I published the post, I wanted to change the url, so I changed it to http://www.netuserreviews.com/courses/n ... cat-review

The problem is that Google indexed the old url for the page and the current url is not indexed.

I rebuilt the sitemap and I have done a lot of links.

Could you please tell me how can I solve this problem and get my current url indexed instead of the old one.

Thank You,
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Hi Ahmed,

Do a 301 redirect. Put up another page with the old url and then redirect it to the new url. You can use the Redirection plugin to do the 301 redirect.

Hope that helps :)
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Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Nov 09
Thank you for your reply, but does that help to get my old url deindexed and the new one indexed.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
That will help get the new one indexed. As for removing the old indexed url you will have to do it on google webmaster tools, under site configuration > crawler access > remove url, but you do it only after the new url is indexed.
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This topic was started on Jan 26, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.