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Fix for missing robots.txt and missing height error

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Joined: 12 Sep 15

Fix for missing robots.txt and missing height error

I used Affilo tools. After studied my site, it gave feedbacks that I have to fix 2 important SEO issues:

1/Missing height and width for images: Specify the width and height of images and other slower-to-load visual elements when building your site or adding content to your pages.

2/Missing robots.txt file: Include a robot.txt field in your top level directory to indicate what files you would not like robots to index or other information about specific files. If using WordPress, most SEO plugins (e.g., Yoast) will allow you to create a robots.txt file.

I don't know how to deal with issue 1. Regarding Issue 2: Yoast SEO was included in Affilo website once I install. But how I can add robots.txt file?

Please help me.
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Site Admin
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Joined: 16 Apr 12

1. You only need to be concerned about images that are within your posts or pages. Check if there is an image embedded in each of the posts/page mentioned for this error and see if these images have no defined width or height.

To fix this, you will need to edit the post or page and switch to "TEXT" mode. While in text mode, look for the img code and see if the corresponding image designated by the src= has a defined height= or width=.

You can easily insert the height and width by including this code


height="250" width="620"

The resulting code will be like this:

img src="/wp-content/uploads/20xx/xx/image-filename-here.png" height="250" width="620"

Make sure that the above codes are enclosed with less than ( < ) and greater than ( > ) signs.

For more information, please see this tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp

2. Robots.txt is not automatically installed or added in Wordpress. This is because the function of a robots.txt file is to let search engines know what pages on your site you want them to skip when indexing. This is a file that you need to set up manually since you need decide which pages search engines could not index.

You can use plugins like the WP Robots TXT plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-robots-txt/) to create, add and edit the robots.txt on your website.

You may refer to this lesson on Robots.txt for more information: https://www.affilorama.com/site-building/robots-txt
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 18
Joined: 10 Oct 15
Awesome reply Maryt, I noticed the same message today and this helped me a lot!
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Posts: 47
Joined: 01 Jun 15
Hi Maryt, I installed the plug in you provided above and I was able to edit the txt content through the WP Reading section, but for some reason I still get the error that the file does not exist. When I put the URL below in the browser window I get a 404 error (not found).

Am I missing something?

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Site Admin
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@dvallech could you please send us an email for your concern so we can forward this to our technical staff. You may email us at this link here: www.affilorama.com/contact
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 47
Joined: 01 Jun 15
I just placed the request Maryt. thanks for your help.
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