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What is LP & Types of LP

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Joined: 24 Jul 14

What is LP & Types of LP

Today, I will introduce what is Landing Page and some types of Landing Page,and it will give newbie some help.
What's a landing page?
In general it's the page your potential leads/customers land on when arriving to your site. It's not your homepage generally, but the page you send leads to in order to SELL to
Landing Page:Groupon: Deals and Coupons for Restaurants, Fitness, Travel, Shopping, Beauty & more
In Affiliate Marketing your landing page is the page where YOUR SELLING SKILLS determine whether you make or lose money. It's the page where you decide what to tell the end user to get them to convert into a lead/sale. The better you are, the more money you make. It's that simple.
Types of Landing Pages
There are a different types of landing pages used in affiliate marketing. They're usually made to capture leads, or make sales. The most commons ones you see are:
1. Full html sales pages
ie:The Jump Manual : Most comprehensive vertical jump training program available. Learn how to jump higher.
2. Fake Blogs
No examples, just picture the blog format as if someone was writing from their own experiences, packed with comments, pictures and more. It's the genuine style landing page.
3. Quick Lead Capture
This type of landing page is used for PPV/Facebook usually, for quick conversions on smaller payout offers.
ie:eHarmony | #1 Trusted Relationship-Minded Dating Site
4. Teasing Lead Capture
Teases you with something, but before you can view it/use it completely you have to fill out your info.
So hope this can help you a lot, and tomorrow, I will say some Tactics To Increase Your Conversion Rates.
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Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Oct 14
Dear almobi

Thanks for sharing such nice information with us.
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Posts: 13
Joined: 25 Mar 15
Landing page is a webpage of the website which is called selling page or a entry point.It is a page where visitors can arrive at or land on it. The goal of landing pages is to make the visitor conversion and to gain new customers.

Basically landing pages are of two types:
Transactional landing page (Transactional pages are landing pages that encourage a visitor to complete a transaction of some kind, such as filling out a form, interacting with objects on the page).
Reference landing page (A reference landing page provides a visitor who has clicked on a link with information of some type like text, images,graphics, sounds, links, or other elements ).
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Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Sep 15
Awesome. I've found really new information in this post. Thanks.
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Posts: 5
Joined: 16 Sep 15
Thanks for tutorial) I know a lot about LP but found some new information.
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Posts: 32
Joined: 04 Feb 14
Landing page, sometimes called a destination page, is any page on the web on which one might land that has a form and exists solely to capture a visitor's information through that form. Website landing pages can be used for a variety of different purposes, pay per click/marketing campaigns and search engine optimization. All landing pages are web pages, but not all web pages are landing pages.
Types of landing pages:
• Email List Opt-In Landing Page
• Content Guide Landing Page
• Guest Post Landing Page
• Thank You Landing Page
• Unsubscribe Landing Page
• Click-Through Landing Page
• Viral Landing Page
• Lead Generation Landing Page
• Microsites
• Homepage as a Landing Page
• Product Detail Landing Pages
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This topic was started on Dec 24, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
