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Traffic Travis PPC Analysis Bug?

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Traffic Travis PPC Analysis Bug?

Hi folks,

I have been running the TT PPC analysis trying to "spy" on some of my competitors and see what they are doing from a keyword perspective (see what words they continue to bid on).

I can run the first report on my keyword group (I have different sized groups ranging from 75 to 800 KW's). When I go back the next few days to run it again -it always gives me an error and can't complete the analysis.

The rest of the TT application runs fine.

Does anyone else have this issue? It is very frustrating - and one of the main reasons I purchased TT.

I "think" I have a ticket with TT - but only get a message from a bot - so can't confirm.


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Hey Craig,

I just downloaded the free version of TT last night to give it a try. I can see how it can be very helpful so I wanted to start building data points for it to work with.

I am having what sounds like the same problem as you. I have one project I am testing with. It has 197 keywords in it. The first update with all 197 keywords went fine. I have tried to run it 3 or 4 times since then but it hangs up every time and comes up with an error. I noticed this time that it said something about "max 50 exceeded" I did provide more details and let it submit the error log.

Also, I tried changing the delay in settings from 1 sec, to 2 and also to 5, but I had the same error each time.

Thanks for any help or suggestions any of you can provide. I will be happy to do some further testing if it will help solve the issue.

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Last edited by michellerana on 16 Nov 09 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 39
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Hi Marshall,

That's exactly what I am getting.

I feel like I've been stopped in my tracks!!

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Hi Craig, nice to meet you.

LOL, yep. I got AffiloBlueprint earlier this year but have not had time to really work with it. Finally have some time so I grabbed TT last night since it is mentioned early on in the Affiloblueprint course. I was all excited about trying it out and then ran into this snag.

No worries though, there is plenty of other reading I need to do here on the site so I will work on that while waiting to see if they can find a fix.

Also, I am running a test now with just 8 keywords to see if that same problem occurs with fewer keywords. I will post back and let you know how it goes.

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Hey all,

OK, was able to update my new project which had only 23 keywords 3 times with no problems. After the 3rd time, I kept getting the same error as earlier.

I closed TT, restarted and then was able to update my 23 keyword project.

I then closed TT, restarted and tried to update my 197 keyword project. It hung up with the same "50 connections exceeded error"

I am also getting an error notification each time I close TT. It seems to be a different "application error" each time I close it.

Anyone else getting errors upon closing TT?
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Hey Marshall,

I uninstalled it (again) - and reinstalled it last night without the latest update. I ran a 700 word query and it went fine. I am going to try it again later (again without the latest patch). The big test will be in the next run.

I'll keep you posted.

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Thanks Craig. Please do let me know how it works after you test it some more. I hate removing and re-installing stuff on my computer as I am always worried things will work out worse.

I do remember that as soon as I downloaded TT the other night, the first time I started it that it wend and did an update. Mine is showing version # 3.1.12 (529)

I have been looking but have not found a forum section specifically for TT. I think this tool has tremendous potential and I think a forum for us to share ideas, better explain the results we see in TT and put that info to work would be great. If you ever find a forum section for TT please let me know.

Also, I find that when I look at Ads from competitors, that the ads do not really display right. The line1 and line2 info of the google ad description does not show properly. Also the display url never seems to match the website url I am researching.

Have you noticed any problems when viewing the actual ads people are using?
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Hi Marshall,

It produced the same error again. It's frustrating and I wish someone would chime in who might have an update.

I have the same problem as you viewing the ads of other people.

I haven't heard a thing back from TT - and am starting to question this investment.

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Maybe we are the only ones working over the weekend :)

I hope they can fix those two bugs, the problem with the updating our KW lists, and the way the ad display is working. If those can be fixed I would certainly purchase the paid version as I see how it could be a very good thing.

LOL, I feel like we are having our own private conversation about TT and everyone else has left the building.

Just FYI, I have not heard anything back from the TT team about the error reports I sent in either, other than the auto bot reponse. Maybe we will hear something this week when the "regular" work week begins.

If I hear anything back by e-mail I will be sure and post a response back here also.

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Hi Marshall, I actually have the paid version!!

And it's a deal.
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ampie g
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Hi Craig and Marshall, there is an update scheduled to come out this week that should fix some bugs. If you encounter any errors at all while using Traffic Travis, please email [email protected] with details about the error so we can pass it on to our developers. :)
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Thanks Ampie,

Looking forward to see if it does the trick!

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Hello Craig and Ampie,

Thank you for the response Ampie. I see so much potential here, but it is very frustrating in its current form. I have had several different problems with TT since this weekend as I have tried to run more tests with it.

However, I have had much greater sucess when I keep my keyword lists under 50. It still acts up once in a while, but the updates complete more often this way.

I do still get really odd displays of the ads as well as some type of error code anytime I shut down TT.

Ampie, is e-mailing support different from the automated thing we get on our screen when there is a problem with TT and it says it is sending the info to the TT team?

I would be happy to e-mail support, but since that alert box was coming up on screen, and then I would get an acknowlegement e-mail from TT, I thought they were getting all the info they needed that way.

Also, Ampie, as long as you are hear, is there a set forum section for discussion of TT? I would think we could all really get into some great discussions about how to best apply what we learn with TT, which would encourage more people to buy the paid version :)

Thank you!
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ampie g
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Hi Marshall, I'm sorry but there's no forum for Traffic Travis.
It's better to send an email to [email protected] (or click on Contact Support on TT and write a message) rather than just sending the alert box so our developers can get more details about the errors which will help a lot in fixing the bugs.
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Hi Ampie,

I have had an email into them for about a week and haven't heard a peep. If you know these folks, it would be nice to know if there is a fix in the works.

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Hey guys,

I fixed an issue with this during the week and have yet to release the update, the issue was about getting the right ads though. There is an on-going issue where you have a project with more than 500~ words, I would suggest trying to keep you projects under that until I can sort the issue out properly.

Expect an update in the next couple of days though to fix a small number of things.

Sorry for the delay.
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Thanks Nick.

It's appreciated.
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Thanks for the update Nick. I look forward to trying TT with your latest improvements.
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Just got the new update for TT. Will post back after I have time to work with it a bit.
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OK, had a few days to work with this latest version and I must say WOW!!! What a huge improvement! On my system now every update I do when working with TT happens much much faster and I have never had an update not complete like the problem I was experiencing before.

I have only had TT give one error code since the update, where before every time I tried to close it I would get an error code, as well as fairly often when doing data updates.

I will be submitting the below bug by e-mail, but wanted to post it here also in case anyone else runs into it and can provide more data for the team to help troubleshoot this bug.

Everything seems to be working very well but I have encountered a bug when using the PPC Analysis section. There is a problem with regards to displaying the PPC ads found. I see this bug when ads are shown in the "Top sites for Keywords" tab as well as the "Websites Keyword List".

I started by deleting all of my old projects in case there was some bad data left from the prior version. I then started fresh by adding keywords and then running my projects.

The bug has to do with the display of ads when there is more than one ad for a particular website or keyword. When you look through the ads, if there is more than one ad available for viewing, every other ad is correct and matches the domain you are viewing, but every other ad is NOT correct, it is usually related, but is not of the domain being viewed. The bug seems to be related to any response that has "Google Checkout" Image/text as part of the displayed ad. The ads with "Google Checkout" are the ones that are listed in the wrong place.

This may also help with troubleshooting. What I am seeing is that the ads that are listed in the wrong place, all start with "Google Checkout" as the first words listed in the ad title line. The rest of the actual title for that ad then runs out of room to display and just goes off the side of the Traffic Travis display window.

I hope this is helpful and if anyone else is noticing this same problem with ad display, please e-mail support. I hope they can get this bug squashed then I can really start enjoying TT.

Thanks again for the great update!
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This topic was started on Nov 14, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
