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My Adword Campaign - I'm not making sales - Is this normal?

Posts: 3
Joined: 01 Sep 06

My Adword Campaign - I'm not making sales - Is this normal?

My first experience promoting an affiliate program with an adword campaign has not been successful. I activated the ad last week and so far have 1035 clicks out of 217,843 impressions with NO SALES. The average cost per click is $0.11 and I am in the red $121.04. Will someone share some advice who has more experience than me? Should I stop the ad campaign? Should I promote a different product? I currently have a domain name redirecting to the affiliate site (Rocket Spanish).

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Posts: 201
Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi John,

Although I'm no Adwords expert, I had some success with it. I can only offer you insight as to what I would do...

because the product that your promoting has a $65.00 commission (aprox) I would definitely pause the campaign to take a look at it. My formula is that I kill any campaign that exceeds the would be profit from 1 sale, so I would have paused it at $65.

Next, I would look at the keywords that your using to make sure they were really targeted towards your best prospects. Your getting a lot of impressions but not so many clicks, so I'd suspect you need to address the keywords that your targeting. I like to start out slowly with my keywords and build them up over time.

The next thing I would do is take a look at the headline, if you're getting that many clicks with no takers your headline, may be offering a benefit that the product sales page doesn't actually confirm. When direct linking to an affilaite page, I want my headline and ad make promises that the sale page will keep.

Hope that helps,
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Posts: 13
Joined: 31 Aug 06
In Rocket Spanish, with average $0.11 your position in Google Search could be very low. Maybe you don't have Google for Content desactivated? Google for Content has a poor conversion rate, a lot of useless clicks, specially in high competition products, and this product has a lot. I think marketers are paying more than a dollar per click in Rocket Spanish for a top-ten.

Just my cents.
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Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Sep 06

Are your keywords focused? Take a look at Mark's video on Adwords where he does go into his Rocket Spanish account.

One of the most common errors is using too many keywords where you will get a lot of hits, but they're not necessarily in the frame of mind to LEARN spanish.

Keep it focused - "learn spanish online, learn spanish courses, etc" Don't ever just use "spanish" where someone searching for "spanish-style villas" will see your ad and click on it out of curiosity.

Put yourself in the shoe of the INTERESTED buyer looking for a course. What would you type?

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Site Admin
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Joined: 13 Jun 06
In addition to the comments other members have made above, have you used negative keywords, such as -free, in order to remove keywords you don't want?

Also, one thing worth trying is bidding on every single keyword phrase using exact match, that way you know exactly what you are getting.

Also, I agree strongly with removing content match.


ps it doesn't cost $1 per click for rocket spanish, 11c might be ok, others I know are paying 25c.
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