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Am I correct to assume that if you are direct linking you cannot track conversions because you can't insert the tracking code anywhere because you don't have a website?
Also, if you do have a website, where exactly do you put the code?
soltech1 Posts: 1 Joined: 15 Nov 09 Trust:
15 Nov 09 2:15 pm
Depends what you are direct linking to. Many affiliates have some form of tracking ID system like Amazon
mattscott Posts: 28 Joined: 29 Apr 09 Trust:
15 Nov 09 2:48 pm
If you are using DL to clickbank then I would buy a domain similar to the product set up forwarding and masking to your hoplink and then your keywords within adwords (not your ads) would point to
00001b=keyword1 broadmatch 00001e=keyword1 exact match 00001p=keyword 1 phrase match etc etc
rickbee Posts: 1 Joined: 03 Apr 09 Trust:
16 Nov 09 3:37 am
I understand direct linking to the clickbank sales page and how Matt's "system" works for tracking conversions in that case. But how do you track conversion if your PPC ads direct customers to your own landing page and then from there they click on another link to go to the CB sales page. How does that conversion tracking occur?
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