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Content/Display Network Question

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Joined: 29 Jul 10

Content/Display Network Question

Using Google's Content/Display Network are you allowed to give away a free ebook in exchange for the visitor's name and email address? I know that Google doesn't want you to do this in the Search Network but I wasn't sure about the Content Network.
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wallen1975 wrote:Using Google's Content/Display Network are you allowed to give away a free ebook in exchange for the visitor's name and email address? I know that Google doesn't want you to do this in the Search Network but I wasn't sure about the Content Network.

I have been doing this for a while. It's allowed but make sure it's a niche that google is ok with. I have had good success with the dog and golf niche but I know of someone who tried the IM niche and was shut down after 1 day.
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It's the dating niche. And what do you mean "shut down?" Was his account banned?
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FREE Video On Creating Authority Site Content --->
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Not banned...but he got the warning emails and had to stop the campaign.
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This topic was started on Sep 27, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
