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Confused with AdWords - help please!

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Joined: 04 Feb 07

Confused with AdWords - help please!

Hey Everyone!

Well I haven't done any AM work at all in the last month, I tell you school is just overwhelming and it gets worse and worse every year! I'm doing a programme called the IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate) it is insane - so much work! So unfortunately I had to sort out my priorities...and education came first. Then to top off overwhelming workloads I got a lead in the school AM went right to the bottom of the list.

But it's holidays now so I want to get straight into AM, sort it all out and just monitor it next term. Two-weeks rules out the stunning 90-day plan sadly, AdWords is my main option and I'm going to take the punt.

Problem is I'm super confused with AdWords...I've watched all of Mark's videos and still I'm just not clicking.

Here is my current position...

I'm going to advertise a Click Bank product in Google AdWords.
I'm going to link directly to their site - No landing page.

That’s all I’ve decided so far.

I've used Traffic Travis and formed a keyword list - I don't think it’s very good…actually I have no idea whether it’s good or bad. When I was going through the Google AdWords process. Only a few of the Keywords were, given CPC, and ad position estimates.

The products related Keywords were searched over 9,000 times in overture - so I thought that was pretty good, there is little if no competition…a bad thing possibly?

I have NZ$175, to spend on this AdWords campaign.

I almost put in my credit card details on the AdWords account signup and stopped and thought - I need help from Mark, Sean, Adrian, Promocode etc...

What should I doooo? Where do I go now? I’m starting to doubt myself, I would really like this effort to be more of an educated guess rather than a ‘quick money making punt’.

Oh yeh - Split Testing confuses me, and impressions?


P.S. I haven't officially signed up to AdWords because I have decided to wait for replies until I give Google my billing info.
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To be honest, $175 isn't really enough to test a large adwords campaign. To really succeed, you need to know which keywords are going to convert and which aren't. And to do this you are going to need to give the keywords enough clicks. And to do this takes a few dollars.

If you are going to still go ahead with it, just make sure you only bid on really targeted keywords.

Hope that helps.
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Hi mrtopham,

Well I haven't done any AM work at all in the last month, I tell you school is just overwhelming and it gets worse and worse every year! I'm doing a programme called the IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate) it is insane - so much work! So unfortunately I had to sort out my priorities...and education came first. Then to top off overwhelming workloads I got a lead in the school AM went right to the bottom of the list.

Nice little story, because thats all it is, I make no apologies for being harsh, we all put road blocks infont of us, No Time, No Money or Not enough chocolate or what ever.

when you make something a MUST, then you will be at the start of your success, focus on incremental changes and adjustments.

1st step, planning is a MUST whether you try and cram the 90 day road map into a short space of time or simply do the first 2 weeks of it.

Business is like dieting, you cannot expect to lose weight by going to the gym once, You MUST keep a regular training schedule going even if it is with small steps at a time.

Perhaps you can sleep 1 hour less pernight by getting up earlier in the morning during the weekdays 5 hours per week x 48 weeks(minus 4weeks holiday) = 240 extra hours per year.

Techo Stuff

If you want more learning tools on Google Adwords see the link below, Give it a few secs to upload if you are on dial up.

Seans right, $175 is a pretty short budget, unless you are wanting to test the water and work out how things run.

Do a search on the internet for FREE Google Gift Vouchers, you may find one for $25 US first join up.

If you want to just test out Affiliate marketing, Why not try it out for FREE by posting classifieds

Usefulsites for FREE Classifieds

(broken links removed)

There are way more sites (Quick Google Search)

Even doing any of these Tactics will require time to test and adjust them to make sure they work.

Get started don't wait JUST DO IT! and you will learn along the way.

The best of success!


Matt 8)
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Last edited by ampie g on 27 Jan 10 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: broken links removed

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Hi there mrtopham,

There's a lot of info in the February update that applies to you. Read the section on "why you should have a landing page" and watch the video on finding profitable keywords using Traffic Travis. The lesson on finding profitable keywords doesn't just tell you how to find words... that's the easy part. This lesson shows you how to figure out what other people are bidding on, which generally indicates that the keyword is profitable.

But as others have said, $175 isn't a lot when it comes to getting started with AdWords. If that's all you have, make sure you do as much research as humanly possible before you start bidding, otherwise you'll burn through your funds before you can say "What the....?"

Good luck!
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