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Are affiliate links on landing pages allowed?

Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Jun 10

Are affiliate links on landing pages allowed?

is it true that google doesn't allow affiliate links on the landing page reached from the ad run on adwords? i was watching the affiliate marketing examples video and it mentioned on the jiffyspanish example that the link for "visit site" shows at the bottom his url but actually goes to the merchant page. how is that done? and does that mean that you can have affiliate links on your landing page?
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Affiliate links are allowed :) That's why affiliate marketers can do PPC.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Jun 10
thank you. good to know. i was told by a different affiliate info website that you couldn't have those links on the landing page hit from the ad, that you needed to link to a second page where they could be.
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Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I think what Google has come down hard on is the phoney review sites with the 1 through 5 star rating systems, with no real content. Some have iterpreted this to be anti affiliate marketer. Affiliate link are allowed.

Sorry, i know my spelling leave alot to be desired.
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JC Dean
Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Jun 10
no problem, thanks for the reply. i was never real excited over the review style page for that reason, it seems as though it's created for the sell making me feel the information isn't necessarily dependable.
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Posts: 1
Joined: 08 Sep 10
thanks good to know.
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Posts: 90
Joined: 18 Aug 10
that's right affiliate links are allowed so don't be worry.
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Posts: 76
Joined: 24 Jul 10
my adwords has been suspended because my ad was going to a review page on my site with affiliate links. they said it was a bridge page with no value! i hate google
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currently smashing it with Affilo Jetpack
mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I agree with daveyace google is total crap, most of the time if i do a search on google I don't get sites with articles I get sites that might as well be a billboard sure the site is the real site that makes and sells the product but has no articles what so ever, nothing telling you about the product, how to use it or anything they are just great at seo and even though google says they want quality user experience they don't really care or even look at the sites in the top position because if they did most of them wouldn't be there. However if we want to make a living at this we just have to keep trying.
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This topic was started on Jun 24, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
