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Any tips for campaign creation in PPC?

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Joined: 05 Jan 13

Any tips for campaign creation in PPC?

I am in search of a few tips for campaign creation in PPC. Are there a few of them? They say inclusion of keywords in the description part of the campaign can do a world of good to your advertising. Is it true?
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Site Admin
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Yes, that is true. Actually the difference between SEO and PPC is that PPC is just paid compared with SEO, wherein you can get traffic for free.

But when it comes to how to get traffic, SEO and PPC is almost the same- they use keywords to target visitors and make sales.

You can check out this tutorial page here to learn more on PPC campaign->

I hope that helps!

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Maximize your profit through PPC online advertising and the best approach you may use to make it possible is through better knowledge and understanding of this approach, knowing your prospective clients, understanding problem, and setting-up monthly or daily budget.
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Posts: 210
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When you build the campaign start small, 1-2 keywords per adgroup, so you can create targeted ads, that go to a targeted landing page. On that page you should optimize for the keywords you have in the ads, don't over do it.

This is all done so you can increase your Quality Score throughout the account, ad QS, landing page QS, etc., which is what can help you bring ad costs way down, anything at and above a 7, is ideal, if you get below that then that's when Google will "Tax" you so to speak, with extra costs, when you are at 8-10 you actually get costs Lowered. Hope this makes sense.

Getting a 10 is almost impossible, so don't get frustrated with not getting to that, advertisers mostly get there with brand keywords, it is possible to stay profitable with 4-6 QS, but why settle for that when with some on going work you could bring costs down.

Resources: (image) ... -table.png
and try:

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Writing Services -
Posts: 33
Joined: 08 Sep 14
- Avoid "broad match" keywords.
- Separate search and content ad placements.
- Use negative keywords, too.
- Efficiently target ad campaigns.
- Match landing pages to ads.
- Track your return on investment.
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This topic was started on Feb 22, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
