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Adwords campaign for Rocket Spanish

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Joined: 23 Nov 06

Adwords campaign for Rocket Spanish

Hi, I have an adwords running for Rocket Spanish see below:

{KeyWord:Speak Spanish}
Superb learning system
Fast Results.Try for Free

{KeyWord: Speak Spanish}
Superb learning system
Incredibly fast results
So far it has been running for about 3 weeks I have reduced the cost per click to Maximum 15p and I am getting cost per clicks at 10p which I think is not too bad. My CTR is 1.63% average. But!!!! I have not made a single sale to date total clicks over 400 What is going on? I thought this was a good affiliate to promote. Goldilocks
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Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi Goldilocks,

I don't promote Rocket Spanish but I know if it's a Mark Ling product he's giving you the best tools to succeed, so I wouldn't worry about having chose a bad product :wink:

My thoughts are, that yes, that's a lot of clicks to not get one sale BUT the commission is 100 dollars so with one sale you’re still making a profit. That's an expensive product so people may be unwilling to part with their cash on the first visit. Which I guess is why Rocket Spanish offers a free e-course. Maybe they haven’t bought yet but are going through the system, ie: the course, right now. Have you checked your stats to see if your customers are signing up for the course?

Best Wishes,
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Last edited by promocode on 08 Dec 06 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Welcome to the forums,

I think you are doing something wrong here. Either your keyword selection is off and/or your ad is not working well. Everyone knows it's a good product. People don't need to hear it is superb. People want to know how it will BENEFIT them...


Become fluent in 3 months
Impress your teacher... etc...

What keywords are you using and/or do you have a landing page?

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I was initially thinking the same thing Adrian, that something was wrong with the ad or keywords - but then why would she be getting so many clicks?

If her ads weren't relevant to what these people are looking for they wouldn't be clicking thru at all, no? It's not like they should be surprised that they are led to a webpage talking about a learning to speak spanish system as that's what her ad touts... of course you're right, we don't know what keywords are being chosen..."teach your dog commands in spanish", wouldn't convert very well I guess :lol: might be a good branch off for the Rocket Language series though :wink:

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Have you got your ads showing up on the content network? If you have, stop it and then see how you're going.

When I started with adwords, that was the only way I was getting any traffic and it sucked.
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