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Is it enough to be passionate? Will the money follow?

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Is it enough to be passionate? Will the money follow?

After several months I finally know what niche's I want to get into. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I just woke up this morning with this realization, and I don't know why it didnt hit me before. Now it seems kind of obvous really, after all, I have been interested in these niches for quite a while.

There are three different niches or topics that I'm talking about. I have been reading up on them and learning as much as I can about these topics anyway - to improve areas of my own life. They are things that I'm passionate about and have been researching, and I know that I can write articles on these topics. And they are topics that are considered evergreen and they could really help other people as well. I would much rather make money while helping people at the same time.

So far, I have thought of several different products that I could promote in these niches thanks to Amazon, so finding products to promote isn't a problem. And, i also like the idea of promoting products that I truely believe in. I guess what I"m saying, is that it's not just about making money for me anymore, I've really been thinking about how I could help people with the information that I have been learning also. But, of course making money is still important to me, it's just not the only driving force.

I have heard of a couple of books that have titles like "do what you love and the money will follow". I haven't read them, but I'm just wondering if being passionate about your topic is really enough to successed or not.

I have already wrote a few articles in one of these niches, but I noticed that in this particular niche that some of the topics I discuss in my articles don't have very many different keyword options for me to choose from. For example, one article I wrote has only two keyword options for me to choose from. It's not that they aren't popular topics because these two differen't keyword phrases have very high search volumes, it just that there isn't many ways of wording these keywords.

In fact, I'm kind of afraid that they might have too high of a search volume and that I won't ever get up there in the rankings. I know that Mark Ling would advise us to go after keywords we stand a chance of ranking for, but dang it, I want to build a website around a topic that I'm actually interested in. I want to write articles about what I"m passionate about. Is there anyway to drive traffic to your site and make money even if you can't get your site ranked in the first page of google? Perferably without having to run ads, because I hate math. :)

Thank you
I really don't want to make a websites on a topics I'm not interested in.
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No, passion alone won't do anything - without the hard work of correct execution of a good plan for promoting an excellent product.

I only work on areas I'm passionate about and I believe that it helps me. I think the few really practical advantages are that you can work harder, longer and more patiently on something you care about and that your passion can show in your writing and your other presentations. Perhaps it also boosts your creativity - not sure on that.

But you still have to have a great product, or people just won't act. And you need to do all the many tasks required of any online marketer. Being passionate doesn't create any shortcuts.

Hope this helps...
_jim coe
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It's great that you have some passionate interests but there has to be buyer interest in those topics and the keyword search volume otherwise you won't make any money.

Take it from me, I know first hand. My very first website was about my favorite thing in the world "art journaling". There is no money in art journaling, nobody is looking to buy anything in that niche. I didn't understand that at the time and I was told to go for what I loved.

I now have a 120+ page website that ranks number 1 for tons of keywords and i make about $70 a month from adsense even though I get about 15,000 visitors per month. I even have a newsletter and people in that niche just aren't interested in anything other then free art ideas on the web.

So make sure your niches have buyers. As for your search volume being too broad, have your tried drilling down into a sub-niche? that might get you a more doable niche while still being in the overall niche that you want.
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Thanks for all of them for posting the valuable information
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Being passionate is a major advantage, it will allow you to work your best, write your best, learn easier etc etc. HOWEVER, as the others say sheer hard work and a good plan are required.

With respect to keywords, have you AB2? If so listen to Week 1.4 lesson. it may inspire you a bit on keywords.
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Very passionate about my niche

Worked insane hours and stumbled a lot

Still work hard but control my own time and destiny

Only limited by my own thinking as I doubled my day job salary and now free.

Passion and hardworking are unbeatable.
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Mal Ad Asteo
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Guys, can somebody tell me when I am headed in the right direction? I believe I made a mistake in an industry that has tons of authority sites (child behavior), but I am getting trickles of traffic and they are sticking around to read 17 pages? This is the my first foray into affiliate marketing and we are always being told to plow ahead and learn from our mistakes. Can you tell me, when you look at your analytics, what numbers indicate that you might be going in the right direction. I am getting 23 traffic in a month (sad) but they are reading and looking at pages. Do you have a formula? How do you know when you have hit on something that could be gold? When we talk about testing....what are looking for?
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Look at the keywords that people used to find your site.

Then go to the articles they clicked and integrate those keywords (preferably long tails) back into your content to beef it up.

Then post that article to Facebook, twitter and possibly a forum(if allowed) (build back links).

If you have the funds then pay for good back links.

Look harder at your large niche and drill down to find a sub niche within that.

Next day do it all again. The process works :)
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Mal Ad Asteo
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Thank you mb! I will do as you say!
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Are there good back link programs I can buy and not be slapped these days? Plus, I had been taught by someone that social media should not be directly linked to my MAIN website but to some supporting 2.0 sites.
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I will have to agree with jimcoe on his answer, but I would also like to add something from personal experience. Keep in mind it is only my experience and personal observation, so it might not be true for everybody.

To me, passion is something completely relative, so I cannot rely on it completely in life. It might be a fad I am going to give up after a week or two. It also might become a 24/7 obsession that burns out my health. In my case, usually both turned out true. I'd get fired up on a topic, research it and explore it while sacrificing my sleep and diet, and I would eventually sacrifice a lot of my health for a fading interest that seemed to be a passion at first.

After a few painful lessons, I stopped following my "passions" and started following my interests instead. I was always a perfectionist when it came to my passions, so I could never get anything done, my expectations were too high, and my stress levels were the highest. Following interests is easier than following passions because it keeps my head cool from making irrational decisions in the heat of the moment or making unrealistic expectations for myself.

In my experience, passion usually became my master while I always remained a master to my interests.

That's just me, of course. Being an impulsive and unfocused guy, I had to learn to deal with my urges to get involved in anything I found interesting and neglect my health. Passion easily throws me off balance in life, and it does the same to many people with a similar character to my own. Knowing yourself makes it easier to know how you should deal with your passions.

Sure, it's inspiring to hear stories about people following their hearts and succeeding, but nobody unfortunately ever does stories about people following their hearts and failing. I believe you can shape your life the way you want it and follow your passions, but there are just too many factors that define success (including hard work, communication skills, personal development, and so on), so it is not possible to bet all of your money on passion.

Oh, and money comes when you get an audience. If people care about what you have to say, money might follow. Unless you have an audience, you can have all the passion in the world, but it won't bring money to the bank.
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"There are three types of people in this world. Those who can count, and those who can't." -ToonHole comic
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Passion is all well and good but it is not enough. What I have found is that you need to keep learning and you have to have the passion to learn. So you need both passion and commitment to make this work.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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Is there irrationally passionate buyers in your niche?
That is the question.

Here is something else to consider.
How much money do you want to make a year?
If your goal is $100,000 a year you would have to sell around $2,000,000
of Amazon products to make $100,000.

Some people swear by the Amazon Affiliate program and claim to make a killing from it; I gave up on it. The commissions are lame.

I would find a niche with irrationally passionate buyers that will buy informational products. Build a list and sell them stuff over and over again.

Hope I helped.
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JC Dean
Posts: 26
Joined: 06 Dec 11
There is a ton of way's to monetize your site just on writing about something that you are passionate about ! You never have to sell anything to anyone and make Ten's of Thousands a month once the traffic comes in . Grab the free ebook in my signature it has all the resources that you need ! It is what you are looking for ! I promise!
Keep me posted
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Struggling to make money online?
This is how I am killing it without Google!

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