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What Are the Key Principles of ISO 9001 Audits?

Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Sep 23

What Are the Key Principles of ISO 9001 Audits?

The Key Principles of ISO 9001 Audits are fundamental guidelines that underpin the effectiveness of ISO 9001 Audits. ISO 9001 Audits, which focus on quality management, adhere to several key principles. These principles include customer focus, emphasizing the importance of meeting customer requirements and enhancing satisfaction. Leadership involves clear organizational direction and commitment to quality. Engaging people encourages employee involvement and empowerment. The process approach stresses the systematic management of activities, while continuous improvement promotes ongoing enhancements. Evidence-based decision-making relies on factual data, and relationship management emphasizes collaboration with suppliers and stakeholders. These principles collectively ensure ISO 9001 Audits foster a culture of quality excellence.
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