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Looking for business partners on my internet marketing blog

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Joined: 05 May 17

Looking for business partners on my internet marketing blog

Hi everyone.
I have finally started my internet marketing blog. I have an experience of 6 years and a lot of money made over the years, so I thought it would be a good idea to share my strategies with other people.
Anyway, I am looking for partners who'd like to cooperate in any way. I am a web designer, wordpress professional, and social media professional (I used to drive 100k+ visitors through social media over the years)
This is my new blog: silly-hat.net
By the way, I would love to hear what you think about the blog's design (I've made it myself)
Cheers ;)
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The Ultimate Method to Create Unlimited Content to Your Blog:

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Sweet design. I feel like I'm on cloud10. Let's network!
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Posts: 2
Joined: 05 May 17
site looks good, would like to sponsor one day once you get more visitors. Also if you're good at writing anything affiliate related i would be interested in a partnership on one of my companies.
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Get High Payout Offers at www.slingads.com
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Hi there

Would be happy to work with you :)
Please have a look at my site and let me know if you think there is potential for synergy.

<<<<link removed>>>>

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Last edited by maryt on 07 Jun 17 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: link promotion

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I have been running my site myself where I sell my own homemade products, I was struggling to convert leads into customers, so I went with alternative and that’s where I found [link removed by moderator] pretty amazing. They not just helped me convert leads into customers and my revenue has jumped nearly 100%, so it’s just phenomenal! Now, the thing I wanted to tell you was to try this!
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Site looks great, would like to sponsor one day as soon as you get traffic. Connected I might be interested in a partnership on one of my companies additionally, if you're proficient at writing anything affiliate.
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Posts: 85
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Wonderful. I feel happy to work with you. Please contact me. Thank you.
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Posts: 45
Joined: 07 Jun 17
After visiting your blog,i found out some of the problem it can fix very easily
-> Your Marketing-tools: Contains 2 <H1> tags,i think you can easily hide or remove and thin content.
According to Google, filling pages with too many keywords results in a negative user experience, and can harm your site's ranking.

-> You have lot of Uncompressed image : This will effect your site load speed check your site loadhttps://gtmetrix.com/reports/silly-hat.net/Fpz4ia4j
-> Using Someone's else Images is bad for Google,keep that in mind.
-> I don't like Adsense to be place on your Home screen.
-> Is it totally necessary to Align all your Paragraph to middle
-> I really don't like the Background images because if you scroll down to your disgus section,Background images make it difficult to read See the screenshot http://prntscr.com/iz79aq
-> Content width is little small,can be adjust on theme or leave it be.

I am not an expert not a great content creator too but i really like to share my knowledge to others whatever i learnt from. You can check out my Quora answer or Affilorama answer too,if you are interested

Overall your site is great,content is great

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Last edited by kishorchand on 02 Apr 18 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Follow me on Quora : https://www.quora.com/profile/Thangjam-Kishorchand

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Hi, I agree with Kisorchand, when trying to post comment in disgus comment it was really hard to concentrate on content as background is too "loud". I appreciate if you could update the images. Thaks!
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Posts: 45
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@gnr9933 i didn't mean to Point out what is bad on your site my Motive is really simple. I am kind like Quality approach guys i guess if it hurt,i Apologize for that.

You know i could be your
- Content Creator: I write whatever i know whether it is Internet marketing niche or Website designing or even Mobile Game LOL
- I could be your author
- I could be your Web designing guys,i usually came up with crazy design
- Even i could use your Website to monetize your site and promote my Affiliate products that i use :-)

You could check out my Quora answer,if you are looking for content creator

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Follow me on Quora : https://www.quora.com/profile/Thangjam-Kishorchand

Download The secret sauce to building a list in 2018 : - - https://guidetoclickbank.quora.com/The-secret-sauce-to-building-a-list-in-2018-3-free-eBook-inside

Learn great tips and tricks about Elementor and Digital marketing
- https://www.foxscribbler.com/
Posts: 9
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Site looks great, would like to sponsor 1 day once you get traffic. Connected I may be interested in a venture on a few of my companies additionally, if you are adept at writing affiliate.
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Posts: 32
Joined: 06 May 18
Site looks great, would like to sponsor 1 day as soon as you get more visitors. Also if you're good at writing affiliate connected I would be interested in a venture on one of the companies.
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Posts: 49
Joined: 24 Jun 18
Website looks great, want to host 1 day. If you are adept at writing affiliate connected I may be considering a venture also.
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Posts: 32
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Site looks great, would love to host 1 day as soon as you get traffic. Connected I might be interested in a venture on one of the businesses, if you're proficient at writing affiliate.
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Posts: 22
Joined: 03 Sep 18
hello! there are not so many good blogs about internet marketing, so if you make one - that will be great ) more good cases & more practice
as for partnership, maybe we could find how to be useful to each other
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Good luck, mate !
I am sure you'll find great opportunities!
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Posts: 1
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Hi there,

If you're looking for new partners I suggest you to contact DRB Market Research in Poland and Europe. In their offer there is searching for new partners option. They will give you a selection of valuable specialists that you could choose from and also be your new partners. DRB Research works in Poland and CE Europe, and use different qualitative and quantitative techniques. Please visit their website [link removed by moderator] and check their offer.
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Posts: 8
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Site looks great, need to sponsor 1 day. I might be contemplating a partnership if you're proficient at composing affiliate.
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Posts: 90
Joined: 19 Jan 19
I've visited your site and it's really amazing! Great work there bro. There are very few of its kind addressing issues of internet marketing, so I belive there is a bright future ahead of you. If you are very good at affiliate markteing as you say, maybe we can strike a deal some time in the near future. Good luck
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Posts: 109
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Hi there, great idea. I must admit you're better than me a million times over. I keep thinking of ideas but implementation is quite a problem. Cheers! I think you are destined for greatness. As for patnerships, we can always find ways of being useful to each other.
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Posts: 96
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I still do not have much to promise in terms of business partnership, but I know there are several opportunities out there for you. With determination and more converting traffic, you can be sure to rock the market. Your site is very beautiful and creatively done. Congrats
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Create Personalized & Dynamic Experiences with L2N Lead to Need Digital Marketing And Web Development Company. Drive performance. Optimize for action. Uncover consumer intent. Services: PPC & , Social Media, Mobile Marketing, SEO & Content Creation, Digital Analytics.
moderator removed link
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Last edited by maryt on 12 Mar 19 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: promotional

Posts: 19
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can i be your partner How do you need to condition your job?
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Lets go to build a bright future and hopefully go a long way.
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Want to make money online? Tired of the scams in the internet world? You’re a click away from earning millions. More than 1038483 students are taking benefit of Anthony Morrison blog. Enter right now: https://www.anthonymorrisonblog.com/
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The blog's design is very good. You have made with quality. Good job!
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Posts: 29
Joined: 13 Apr 19
Site looks great, would love to host 1 day as soon as you get traffic. Connected I might be interested in a venture on one of the businesses, if you're proficient at writing affiliate.
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Posts: 10
Joined: 16 Dec 18
Thaaaaaank you)) It`s amazing)) Really amazing))))
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Posts: 19
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Your feedback helps me a lot, A very meaningful event, I hope everything will go well slither io
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Posts: 58
Joined: 17 Aug 19
Website looks great, want to host 1 day. If you are adept at writing affiliate connected I may be considering a venture also.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Apr 19
site looks good, would like to sponsor one day once you get more visitors. Also if you're good at writing anything affiliate related i would be interested in a partnership on one of my companies.
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This topic was started on May 11, 2017 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
