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10 x 300 word UAW’s - $69

Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11

10 x 300 word UAW’s - $69

Price: $69USD
Timeframe: 4 days
Paypal Address: available upon request


Hello Everyone

My offer is for 10 Unique Article Wizard articles of 300 words each which means that you will get 10 batches of 3 articles (one original and two rewrites each). I start by writing one article and rewriting it twice. These articles are great for submitting to article directories, blogs and content sharing networks etc. Without worrying about Google or any other search engine flagging you for duplicate content.

I Will Need To Follow Information From You:
1. Keywords and Keyword density required
2. Links to your blogs or websites for information on what you are selling (if possible)

Other Writing Services
Standard Articles
300+ words $6.00
500+ words $10.00
750+ words $14.00
1000+ words $19.00

Unique Article Wizard Sets (3 Unique Articles based on 1 keyphrase)
300+ words (5+ paragraphs) $13.85
400+ words (6+ paragraphs)$15.85
500+ words (8+ paragraphs)$17.85

If you have any questions feel free to contact me via this Forum’s PM

Best Wishes
  • 1
Posts: 55
Joined: 24 Mar 10
Bill is a very talented writer! I am very fussy about the quality of content I put on my sites. The work Bill did for me was a little on the urgent side and it wasn't a subject he was very familiar with. I wouldn't have known it. Beautiful work! Extremely well written and researched...and quick! As an added bonus he is helpful, friendly and very easy to communicate with. Thanks again Bill!
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Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
Hey Lynda,

Thanks for appreciating my work. You are an absolute pleasure to work for. Looking forward to starting on your next project.
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Posts: 236
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi Bill do you submit the articles also or will i have to buy unique article
  • 1
Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
Hi Mack,

I've sent you a reply via the PM system here. Let me know if you have more questions.

  • 1
Posts: 236
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi Bill I am getting really lazy I want to know how much for the five hundred word articles with three rewrites for Senukex in batches of five of ten . Second question do you golf can you write good on golfing.
If you can write good I can get you lots of work I think I can but mostly I would keep it to myself good writing is very dear and hard to find.
  • 1
Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
Hi Mack,

I just sent you a PM with a quote for a batch of 10X500 words UAW. As far as golf articles go I'm pretty good with this niche. I've lately written probably a few hundred golf related articles... lol. Let me know how many words you need and what type of golf articles are required i.e. news, how-to's etc.
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Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
I already have 6 satisfied clients on this forum... hurray :)
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Site Admin
Posts: 1874
Joined: 05 May 09
That's great! Thanks for offering your services to our members! :)
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Customer Support

Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
Posts: 280
Joined: 10 Feb 10
Hey Bill,

Congratulations! I also have had good luck with my Affilojetpack site building offer. I highly recommend this area of the forum to anyone that wants to offer a service.

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Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
Thanks Jack and Michellerana, This is a great place for sure! I'm going to be offering some SEO services too so lets see how that works out.
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Posts: 37
Joined: 23 Feb 11
Hi Everyone!

I'm now available once again to take on more writing work... Just shoot over a PM and I'll get back to you.

  • 1

This topic was started on Mar 02, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
