Score Big with First-Rate Dating Advice Affiliate Programs

By Cecille Loorluis
Score Big with First-Rate Dating Advice Affiliate Programs


A few weeks back, I published a post about dating sites affiliate programs. When I did my research for that post, dating guides and dating advice affiliate programs also came up. Dating sites and dating guides are commonly linked together. 

Landing yourself a date on eHarmony is only the beginning. Once you've gotten that date, you then ask yourself a myriad of questions ranging from the accepted dating etiquette to the agonizing question: "Will he/she like me?" It's at that point that you go through various media looking for information to help you further your goal of getting into a relationship. Looking at it this way, it's no wonder that dating sites and dating guides go together. 

According to, there are 54 million singles ready to mingle online, with 40 million of them having tried online dating. I can't find any statistics on dating advice, but seeing as there are as many dating advice websites out there as there are dating sites, we can safely assume that at least half of that number are in need of advice on dating. 

Keywords That Go Together 

Searching on Traffic Travis and Google Keyword Planner for the keywords "dating guides" and "dating advice" will bring up not just those same words, but a whole bunch of "online dating" and "dating sites" keywords. It is yet another indication that dating sites and dating guides go together. Looking at the results I got from Traffic Travis, I will be targeting mostly medium-competition keywords.


Dating Advice - Traffic Travis Results

I went into Ubersuggest and used "dating advice" as the keyword again, and it brought up variations showing I could target specific sub-niches too. I could target keywords specific to a gender, so I could set up a site on dating advice for women. Alternatively, I could set one up for for a specific age (20s, 30s) or even for a specific civil status (single, married, divorced, etc.). 

There are some good words I can target here, but I need to decide on a sub-niche and check the competition on these keywords using Traffic Travis first.


Dating Advice - Ubersuggest Results Dating Advice - UberSuggest S Results
Aside from "dating advice" and the lesser-used "dating guide," I'll be targeting keywords like "how to get a date" and "what to talk about on a date." I'll include "online dating advice" too. These keywords and their variations have good monthly global search values (most have 1,000 or more) and medium competition.

Dating Advice Affiliate Programs for Her, Him and Everybody

It's no secret we recommend ClickBank as an affiliate ntetwork. This is because it's very easy to get signed up with ClickBank. You can enter your website URL, but unlike in other affiliate networks, this is not a requirement. You are not asked for traffic information, either.

If you're starting in affiliate marketing and are into this niche, then you're in luck, because ClickBank has a lot of dating advice affiliate programs. They have some of the highest-paying, best-selling ones too. They also have dating advice for both men and women.

1. The Tao of Badass


The Tao of Badass - ClickBank
This is at the very top of the list for dating advice affiliate programs. This one of the most, if not the most, popular dating guides online. They have an awesome website with information on how to be confident with and around women. They offer 70% commission on each sale, one of the highest in this niche.



Make Him Desire You - ClickBank
This is something for the ladies. The video on the sales page is engaging, with an attention-grabbing starting line. They offer between 60 and 75% commission on each sale.

3. Make Women Want You System


Make Women Want You System - ClickBank

This has one of the highest earnings per sale despite the fact that they only give 50–60% commission. The key is their rebill—they have a recurring program, so there are more earnings for you.

The only downside I see here is that I cannot find their website online. Maybe my research magic is getting used up, but I can't find a site for this product. There are plenty of reviews, though, so there are a lot of affiliates promoting this product. Looking at the gravity, they're making pretty good sales too.

4. - ClickBank

This dating advice affiliate program comes next to The Tao of Badass as far as gravity is concerned. I suppose that if The Tao of Badass is the king of ClickBank's dating advice products, is the queen. Like The Tao of Badass, they provide a 60–70% commission on each sale. The ad they have on ClickBank indicates their product is for women, and it is, but they have other products too, all focused on romance and dating advice.

I am impressed with their affiliate page, or the Digital Romance Affiliate Center, as they call it. It's one of the best-looking affiliate pages I've seen so far. This is a good sign as this is proof they provide good support to their affiliates.

5. The Woman Men Adore


Woman Men Adore - ClickBank

This product has been around ClickBank for quite some time now. If I am to believe its affiliate page, the product's been around for nine years and is still selling. They offer 70% commission for each sale and you get an additional 50% for each rebill on the subscription product. 

These are just five of the dating guides available on ClickBank. They have several more, like EnchantHim and MagneticMessaging. You can log in to ClickBank and go to the Marketplace to see more.

There are other dating advice affiliate programs online, like David Wygant's:


David Wygant Affiliate Program


David Wygant is a popular dating coach. He's published two books and provides coaching and boot camps as well as several products targeted at everyone from beginners to masters. He offers 50% commission on each sale.

Dating With Dignity is another dating advice affiliate program that does not appear to belong to any affiliate network. This dating advice site is led by Marni Battista, a life coach who helps women find long-term love online and off. She has a team of coaches and they provide their services on their site along with several audio/video courses and eBooks. Like David Wygant, Dating with Dignity offers 50% commission per sale.


Dating With Dignity Affiliate Program


Carlos Xuma is another dating coach who helps men become "alpha males." He has several products like Secrets of the Alpha Man, Get A Girlfriend Fast and Alpha Sexual Blueprint to name a few. You can promote all his products for a commission of 50% per sale. He also provides banners and email swipes to affiliates to help them promote his products.


Carlos Xuma Affiliate Program

If the above dating advice affiliate programs don't attract you, then there's Amazon, as always, with dating guides and books to help each Sally, Joe, Ericka and John. The good thing with Amazon is that there's a specific guide for each stereotype. For example, in the image below, there's a "Geek's Guide To Dating."


Amazon Dating Guides Affiliate Program


How to Attract Attention to Your Site

Once you've set up the site, the next question is how to promote it. How do you drive traffic to your site?

As I have found out in my research, there is no shortage of dating guides and dating advice websites, so you need to make sure that your site stands out. There are several ways and you'll notice that the methods I mention here are similar to the methods I presented when I covered dating sites affiliate programs.

Content Strategy

Having a content strategy helps you plan out more of when and how you're going to publish content on your site. This is having a plan or a schedule of when to research, when to write and when to publish new articles on your site.

The dating advice niche is all about sharing information, and it's important that the information you're sharing is top-notch. You can map out your resources and what you'll write for next week and the week after that. You can also look at other ways to publish content: infographic, podcast, YouTube video, etc.

It's equally important that your content gets promoted on various social media sites. Putting up articles or videos is not enough these days. You need to share these on social media sites, not just for traffic, but also so that other people in the niche notice you and your site.

Amazon Kindle Traffic

You can write a primer or a small eBook on how to get a date, or on what to do when you're on a date. You can have something like a "Dating Guide 101" or "Crash Course on Dating." You can place your affiliate links inside the eBook where users can click and be taken to your site to generate more traffic.

Blog and Forum Commenting

This is a must-do in the dating niche. Whether you're promoting dating advice products or dating sites, you need to go out there and join the discussion. You can share your dating experience and help other members overcome shyness or deal with getting turned down. Providing genuine help will get traffic to your site.

Dating Advice Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketers: Coosome Twosome? 

There's a lot of money to be made in the dating niche, whether you're into promoting dating sites or dating advice products. I think the two go hand in hand. If you're going to build a site that promotes dating guides, then at some point, it's only natural to promote dating sites as well. 

There's much competition in this niche, but the great thing here is that there are specific markets you can target: men, women, divorced men/women, senior citizens, middle-aged men and women, Jewish, geeks ... the list goes on. The commissions are good enough to make the effort worth it, and since most products in this niche are digital, you can request a review copy.

The only major bump here is promoting the site. That's where you will need to be creative and double your efforts, because you will not only be competing against affiliate sites that promote dating products, but against major dating sites as well. That doesn't change the fact that this is a lively niche with high earning potential. 

I hope you enjoyed this week's niche! If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues through the share buttons below! Please share your comments and suggestions, too.


For in-depth videos on how to pick which niche and products to promote, please see AffiloBlueprint! 

gabe thomas 11 years ago
This is very good info, I'm wondering what some buyer intent keywords would be?
Justin Golschneider 11 years ago
Hi Gabe. There are lots of keywords with high buyer intent in this niche; here are a few examples for Tao of Badass:

High intent:
buy tao of badass (110 monthly searches, low competition)
tao of badass book (390 searches, low competition)
the tao of badass review (2,900 monthly searchs, low competition)

Medium intent:
tao of badass (33,100 searches, low competition)

What you want to look for are keywords that have the author's or product's name in them. Keywords that include "review" or something specific like "book" generally have better buyer intent than those that are simply the name, and those that include "buy," of course, have the highest buyer intent of all.

Hope this helps—best of luck!
7 years ago
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