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Should I do PPC on the Search or Content networks?

Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07

Should I do PPC on the Search or Content networks?

My content clicks are on average are 75% higher on a daily basis than my search clicks, should i go content network only?
the CTR of the content network is right around 1.50%---the search network is around 0.48 (daily)
both have daily impressions of around 1000-1500.
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Posts: 28
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Personally I would turn off the content network until you get good results on search. Once you have done that then you can scale to the content network as well.

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Site Admin
Posts: 2071
Joined: 13 Jun 06
PPC on content networks can require a bit more work in managing as you really need to make sure theyre targeted to potential buyers, so theres a bit more overhead there in managing your campaigns.

Regardless of what network you advertise on check the conversion rate on those clicks - are you getting what you want out of it? Use the goal conversion feature in Google Analytics to make sure those clicks are turning into sales, or leads etc.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
ok, i think i will turn off the content network for now and work on just the search network.
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This topic was started on Oct 21, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
