When you think of affiliate marketing, what name springs to mind? If you're anything like me, then you probably think of Clickbank. After all, Clickbank is pretty much the biggest name in affiliate marketing. With a massive array of products available for you to promote, big commissions (of up to 75%) on offer, and even recurring products available, why would you go anywhere else?
For many affiliates, leaving the safe haven of Clickbank is an absolute no-no. However, in this blog post I'm going to show you why you should consider Amazon Associates (the affiliate program for Amazon.com) as your next port of call for finding highly profitable products.
In my experience, far too few affiliate marketers use Amazon Associates to find great products to promote. There are all manner of excuses for why many affiliates choose not to use Amazon Associates, including:
- Lower commission rates than Clickbank. On Clickbank, you're probably going to get a commission rate of anywhere from 50-75% on any product worth promoting. With Amazon, the maximum commission rate is 15% (but it usually much lower) This puts many affiliates off, because you earn less per item sold.
- Stricter promotional rules. With Clickbank, provided you're not cookie stuffing or using super-Black hat methods to promote products, you can pretty much do what you want. However, with Amazon many affiliates seem to worry that their accounts could be suspended at any minute. For example, Amazon Associates' T.O.S forbids affiliates from promoting products via email (imagine if Clickbank banned this practice!) It is also forbidden to state the price of a product sold on Amazon, unless the price is served by an Amazon link!
- Too much choice. Virtually every physical product under the sun is available on Amazon. Many affiliates are put off because there is so much choice that it can be very confusing to know what to pick.
Without wishing to sound rude, these are all very poor excuses for not wanting to take the plunge with Amazon Associates. To put it another way, if you aren't using Amazon Associates then you are missing out on large amounts of money. Do you really want to leave money on the table? Of course you don't!
Here's why you should consider Amazon Associates:
- Lower competition for products. Because there are so many average products on Clickbank, the ones that are good tend to be very competitive. On Amazon there are so many great products to promote that competition tends to be lower. The only exception to this rule is in the electronics category, where big brand name products can be difficult to promote successfully.
- Easily target "exact match" keywords. When selling Clickbank products, the usual process for most affiliates is to target a long-tail keyword phrase (such as "natural weight loss tips") and then try to entice visitors to click through to a digital information product about weight loss. With Amazon, you have a massive potential customer base of people who are specifically searching for product names. Pick a reasonably popular product, do an "Exact" search with the Google Keyword Tool, and you'll see that people are searching for that product. Now create a page targeted to that keyword, build links, and watch the money roll in.
- Higher conversion rates. Amazon is one of the most trusted brands in the world. Just about anybody who has an Internet connection knows about Amazon, and has probably purchased from Amazon. Combine this with the huge variety of trusted, brand-name products that you can promote and it becomes easy to see why Amazon conversion rates are so high. With effective pre-selling, my conversion rate on Amazon is more than double that of any Clickbank product I promote.
- Earn through higher sales volume. You want to know the secret to success with Amazon Associates? Firstly, take great conversion rates. Secondly, sell big numbers of low-cost items to boost your commission rate (you get a higher commission rate when you sell more stuff). Finally, promote big ticket items to really give your bank balance a boost. If you want to live large with Amazon, then you need to focus on selling in bulk. Once you've climbed the commission rate ladder, start selling bigger items to make even more money.
Hopefully now you can see why you need to start promoting with Amazon Associates. If you're finding it tricky to get ahead with Clickbank, then you should definitely give Amazon a try.
Pick a product, set up a laser-targeted page on your site, then drive traffic with SEO, Web 2.0 link building, and article marketing.
To show you this method works, I've picked the following product:
I'm going to set up a page targeted to this product/keyword on my Diablo 3 website, and then I'm going to use Web 2.0 sites, SEO, and document sharing traffic to make sales and drive traffic.
My goal? To make at least 10 sales of this product in the next month. In next week's blog post I'll give you a progress update.
I hope you've enjoyed this blog post! Go and join Amazon Associates, and then leave a comment below with any questions, comments, or tricks that you might have.
View all 54 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
Jaky Astik • 13 years ago
Samuel Frost • 13 years ago
However, these Amazon products have far less competition.
jay3 • 13 years ago
Sam, it would be REALLY interesting to see what type of videos convert well with amazon products. Any tips?
melvin williams • 13 years ago
Renee Pfeil • 13 years ago
Samuel Frost • 13 years ago
I see your point. However, most web users try to get what they want by using Google.
For example, if Person A wants a Diablo 3 QCK mouse pad, they will probably Google 'Diablo 3 QCK mouse pad' (rather than head straight to Amazon.com)
If my site can rank on the first page of Google (and I pre-sell effectively) then there is money to be made!
Naaman Anthony • 13 years ago
I started my affiliate marketing journey using Amazon and i haven't looked back. I did try Clickbank because of all the hype, but as you pointed out here, the competition is way too fierce for my liking. The only bad thing I can say about Amazon is that their international affiliates (like me), still have to wait for a cheque in the mail. C'mon guys, this is 2012 get your act together.
Russ Turner • 13 years ago
Look forward to seeing your results with diabilo 3.
James Blackwell • 13 years ago
ollie • 13 years ago
Will be looking forward to your tips on building a page/site around this one product and I really hope you meet your goals.
Andy Lawrence • 13 years ago
Not sure how long this method might last before big G closes the loop hole but traffic is traffic and if you want to make some fast affiliate earnings rather than long term traffic building then its all good.
Thiet ke lgo • 13 years ago
David • 13 years ago
Debbie • 13 years ago
marioverkerk • 13 years ago
Arny McCleary • 13 years ago
Andrew Larder • 13 years ago
I'm looking forward to seeing just how you set up your page/site, and exactly how you go about using Web 2.0 sites and document sharing traffic to make TEN SALES!
Not ten sales total, but ten of THAT PRODUCT - that'd be impressive, repeatable and scalable!
Looking forward to updates!
Andrew Larder
Forextrading • 13 years ago
But having said the above I'd like to know how the likes of "nizzybelle" have made it work?
Dawn Kay • 13 years ago
I'm just setting up a blog to promote amazon products and what confuses me is which Amazon affiliate program do I sign up with.
Obviously I'm going to promote to all countries but I'm in the UK and have an Amazon.co.uk account.
Does my affiliate link count for all countries then?
James McDonald • 13 years ago
Thanks for the info. However, I live in Colorado and Amazon banned us because our legislature imposed a sales tax on them. Do you know whether this has ben lifted or not? Originally there were many other states involved besides ours. Hope you can help with the answer.
Richard Mellick • 13 years ago
peggy goodman • 13 years ago
mrdizzy • 13 years ago
Mike • 13 years ago
Marc • 13 years ago
JC Dean • 13 years ago
Another grip for the list is the short cookie duration.
Joyce Knake • 13 years ago
And you are going to "show us the money". That's great!!!
jeffrey • 13 years ago
Chris Shaefer • 13 years ago
I have been using Amazon in combination with Adsense on my sites for awhile now and I get about about equal amount of revenue from each one of them when used together.
Nice thing about using Amazon is i get so many orders that are not even relevant to the category I am promoting, everything from lawnmower starters to curling irons when I am promoting something like coffee.
Like you said Amazon is a trusted retailler and you do get high conversions of 13-17% a month, not bad.
Amazon is like Google, if you play by the rules then you won't get into trouble.
ruditrg1 • 13 years ago
Owen Cooper • 13 years ago
darren ackers • 13 years ago
Dan • 13 years ago
They offer not only general merchandise but also food and household supplies which in many cases are cheaper than going to your local grocery store.
Word of caution - do not use your own associate link to buy from Amazon personally as it is against their rules and you could end up having your account suspended.
Wilfredo Matamoros • 13 years ago
Dana Raquel Bryant • 13 years ago
yougpeter • 13 years ago
Jen • 13 years ago
I've been trying to set up a niche site for a very long time and just don't know the right way to go about. I've been reading and reading and believe I am missing some key elements. How can I get started, I'm desperate to change my financial position. Can you point me in the right direction. Nice article!
Ratanak • 13 years ago
I just place an amazon market on my simple site.
Thank you sharing.
Marc Mathews • 13 years ago
thanks for the great post. The great thing about Amazon Associates is of course, that your customers may buy things other than the stuff that you originally
promoted. This may make up for the lower commission levels.
A major downside though is the validity of cookies of only 24 hours. I read about a plugin that extends that to 30 (or even more?) days. Have you used
such a plugin? Is it "legal"?
Robert Salafia • 13 years ago
Bob S
sue parker • 13 years ago
What are Web 2.0 sites and "document sharing traffic"? I know nothing about getting traffic. What is a "short cookie duration"?
Do you need Wordpress to sell for Amazon? Does Amazon deliver the product to the customer?
If even some of these questions could be answered, it would be helpful. Thank you.
• 13 years ago
Joyce Knake • 13 years ago
Kieran Gracie • 13 years ago
Lin • 13 years ago
Martin Hamilton • 13 years ago
Richard Mellick • 13 years ago
Jason Orban • 12 years ago
Never keep all your eggs in one basket always diversify your income streams. Amazon products sell a lot easier too, because everyone trusts Amazon.
frank rijkers • 12 years ago
MICHAEL K AGBODAZE JR • 12 years ago
Because my country Ghana has never been captured in the seller country, my seller membership turns to prove futile.
What do you suggest be done at this point? I'm very desperate after having purchased an order to become a member.
Help me out!
Thanks very much.
MICHAEL K AGBODAZE JR • 12 years ago
I went through the mail to the very last point signing up with Amazon before encountering a hitch. I could not register as a seller because I live in a country which does not have authorization permission for sellers from amazon. What's your advice?
joshua • 12 years ago
Joseph • 12 years ago
Denise Hilton • 7 years ago
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