Just launched! Traffic Travis V4 - the top 10 improvements

By Kim Ross
Just launched! Traffic Travis V4 - the top 10 improvements


So, you’ve heard of our SEO and PPC software Traffic Travis, and if you’re a savvy affiliate marketer probably used it.

We’re not big on bragging here, but we are very proud of Traffic Travis and its ability to help people sharpen their SEO and PPC campaigns, and equally as proud to offer a free version – that has recently topped over 200,000 downloads on CNET.com alone!

What we’re most proud of though, is our newly released version 4 of Traffic Travis.

Imagine all the things you already knew Traffic Travis does well, combined with all the things you wished it did also… and that should give you a good idea of what Traffic Travis V4 has to offer you.

Read on to find out about the top 10 new and improved features in Traffic Travis V4…

1. Traffic Travis is now Unicode supported – that’s right, it supports over 109,000 characters!

2. A personalized dashboard and projects – Traffic Travis V4 has just made light work of your SEO and PPC campaign.

Simply plug in your project details (website, keywords and search engines) and you’ve created a project that will automagically calculate data in Traffic Travis, and offer up your project keywords and search engines across the different tools.

When you reload Traffic Travis next time, a summary of your project will appear in your dashboard, with automatically updated data. Actually, a summary of all of your projects will appear here – you can have an unlimited number of these in Traffic Travis – simply click between them to activate different projects.

3. Filter out the unwanted (new!)– Handy filters in each section of Traffic Travis make it super easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. The ‘My Site’ tool even has 4 filters you can use at once!

4. A dedicated ‘My Site’ tab – This replaces the page analysis section in Traffic Travis V3 and is much more powerful. Working in an active project, Traffic Travis will automatically analyse all pages from your site and provide a detailed report for warnings detected by Traffic Travis for that page, and also a detailed SEO warning report for your keywords on that page.

5. Smarter keyword research – We’ve worked hard to bring you more accurate data, faster. The results now show the number of search results in Google, and how many results have that keyword in title and anchor text.

SEO Analysis is combined here – check the difficulty rating of a particular keyword, and double-click on the rating for a full SEO analysis report for that keyword.

6. Easy domain research – New to Traffic Travis Version 4, this tool allows you to quickly find relevant available domain names available in the .com, .net and .org suffix. Add them to your shortlist and click right through to the checkout page of the domain registrar of your choice, all from Traffic Travis.

7. The most accurate backlinks data – Traffic Travis V4 now uses data from Majestic SEO and SEOMoz to get the most accurate backlinks data, and you can do even more with it.

Analyze the backlinks of two or more sites for an easy comparison of discrepancies – and backlinks you should be getting!

8. New link finder tool – Another source for finding quality backlinks, our new link finder tool suggests URL’s relevant to your keywords and provides a breakdown of page type, follow or no follow links, page rank and authority, and juice passed.

9. New Adsense finder tool – This tool finds websites in the top 10 rankings of a given search term that contain Google Adsense - a handy way for accessing lots of traffic, at a potentially lower cost than using Adwords in the search results.

10. Sensible Adwords Competition data – You can now digest the status of your Adwords competition much more easily. Everything you need to know is in the one place, check it out by keyword and by website for an easy comparison.

Sound good to you? Traffic Travis V4 is being offered at a special price of $77 (including lots of launch week only bonuses!) for launch week only – after which it will return to the standard $97 (still good value). Get your copy now!


Troy Todd 13 years ago
Mark, This new version is absolutely awesome.
If you are really serious about your marketing then you really must have this piece of software guys.
ken henry 13 years ago
looks good is just got it. ken
Clarence Murphey 13 years ago
OK Mark. If we are already have a Premium Membership are we going to be automatically subscribed a second time when we purchase V4.0?
Tomasz Kluza 13 years ago
It's definitely worth giving a try, to see how it will be of some help with everyday seo/affiliate projects.
Hazel 13 years ago
great info thank you. I will definitely try using this.
JC Dean 13 years ago
I like the new version. It Rocks!

Everyone needs this!

I like the cooler, less nerdy, laid back, Traffic Travis logo too! LOL
eric @ deadbeatmillionaire 13 years ago

great product.

Dean Brandon 13 years ago
Just trying it out now. Good to get started. Im sure the potential is extensive but learning to read and understand the results TT gives is going to be key. So far so good though!
InternetMarketing sensation 13 years ago
really awesome thing to get one!!! Kim really a nice blog!! Just getting to know it now.


James Cameron 13 years ago
awesome - been looking forward to V4, trying it out now.
Joshua Siaw 13 years ago
I've gotten my copy of TT4 as well. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed at a few aspects but there are some great improvements as well. The interface layout for example is definitely much more simplified.

BTW, for those looking for more info, I've just finished my review which you can check out here - http://bit.ly/lwQPuI

Simona 13 years ago
These are great tips to improve your website page rank, thanks for sharing I sure hope I am doing the right thing link building to improve my website
Aaron Elliott 13 years ago
I have submiited several feedbacks last few days, but unable to have my rankings updated, they wont auto update and there is no button to make them update?

jason tam 13 years ago
i just bought it yesterday it seem like good but i can't login to google adwords to perform keyword research which i still waiting travis traffic support team to answer :).
does anybody able to perform Broad match,Phrase match,Exact match and local monthly searches?
Jeremy Risj 13 years ago
My Domain Research tool doesn't work at all and doesn't have the "advanced settings" link that's shown in the tutorial videos. Is anybody else having this problem? There's no support forum for some reason -- just that suggestion thing, which nobody ever answers.
justin 13 years ago
At Rushjc its true I dont have the advance settings as well. what should we do can anybody help?
Richard henderson 13 years ago
Hi - I'm sure it will be a great product, but I am having a lot of problems so far. Some of my searches did not work when inspecting keywords, at one stage my computer froze. I have raised the issues with support.

Jeremy Risj 13 years ago
Cancel my previous concern about the domain research tool. Apparently they do read and respond to the suggestion messages.....the domain research tool was working again in an updated build two days after I submitted it. So be aware, even though they don't answer, they're actively tweaking things and are releasing a new build each day so far. Kudos!
Affiliate Monster 13 years ago
I have read a lot about this version.
I think I should buy This now
Donald Jungbauer 13 years ago
Does it really work like they say?
I had the trial version and had problems with it.
Deadbeat Millionaire Review 13 years ago
Well done here! I really like your review because it seems that this software is of great help to our online business if this is utilized. It surely hits the factors on the SEO. Thanks for sharing! :)