Super-Affiliate-Blogging Teleseminar Ready for Download

By Affilorama Group
Super-Affiliate-Blogging Teleseminar Ready for Download


Hi Guys,

I've just finished recording a live teleseminar with two of the Internets most prominent blogging experts, Anik Singal and Rosalind Gardner, from Blog Classroom

I highly recommend that you listen in to this interview as I and a number of Affilorama subscribers drilled them as much as we could to gain incredible information to you about profiting from blogging.

Download the interview here.

Rosalind and Anik will be launching Blog Classroom at 2pm EST at Blog Classroom

It will contain over 110 bite sized and easy to digest videos covering every aspect of blogging from getting set up to monetization, driving traffic and more.

As always with these product launches I'll be providing a number of quality bonuses. These include my blogging blueprint that I have given to my staff to follow (you can give it to an outsourcer or follow it yourself). this includes videos and a written pdf blueprint of the exact blogging strategy that I follow as a super affiliate. I am offering more high value bonuses as well and I'll be filling you in on those prior to the launch of Blog Classroom.

Even if you don't decide to purchase Blog Classroom, you should still be able to gain incredible information about how to make money from blogging simply by watching the videos that I posted over the last few days, and also from listening in to the intriguing teleseminar above.

To find out more about Blog Classroom, and the bonuses that I'm offering, go here:

Blog Classroom

Enjoy the teleseminar download! All the best,



Photo: Rick

Martha Mayo 16 years ago
Great call tonight Mark, with lots of information....thanks for hosting it. You are offering some great bonuses to increase the value of the course launching on Tuesday. Way to go!
All the best,