PPC Classroom 2.0 Free? Plus your Incredible Bonuses

By Mark Ling
PPC Classroom 2.0 Free? Plus your Incredible Bonuses


Hey Guys,

I’ve seen a lot of product launches go on in the internet marketing world these last few months. Some good, others I’ve decided to avoid.

The one that I’m about to tell you about today shocked me and I’m sure will delight you.

Amit Mehta and Anik Singal from PPC Classroom have decided to give away a FREE DVD which covers 75 minutes of non-stop content as Amit reveals exactly how to run a 2.4 million dollar a year pay per click business.

All you have to do is pay for the shipping, which is about 10 bucks.

If you’re in a rush, you can go get your DVD now from http://www.ppcclass2.com, but read on for information about the incredible super bonuses!

Now that’s not the amazing thing, I’ve seen FREE DVD offers before, and while this one is particularly good, Amit and Anik have decided to go one better and offer anyone who goes and claims their free DVD from them full members access to PPC Classroom 2.0 for FREE!

This product used to sell for $497. They blew me away last year when they upgraded the course and reduced the price to $97. And now they’ve decided to offer it for free as a bonus to anyone who claims their PPC Secrets DVD from them.

And what’s more...

...I have arranged even MORE special bonuses for you!

I had a chat with Anik to see if I could provide some more value to go with the DVD to anyone who claims it through my link, as I like to offer the best value possible to my readers. Anik agreed and this is what you’ll get...

You’ll gain FREE Private Access to over $3329+ worth of products, courtesy of Anik and Amit from PPC Classroom, if you choose to claim your FREE DVD + Free PPC Classroom Membership through my link below:


To receive all of these amazing bonuses, plus the DVD and the PPC Classroom membership for FREE all you need to do is cover the shipping costs (which is about 10 bucks).

Here’s the what you’ll get:

Affiliate Classroom Expert InterviewsAffiliate Classroom’s Expert Interviews ($397 value)

Many Affiliate Classroom members don’t even have access to these!

  • Jeremy Palmer, the author of QuitYourDayJob.com and creator of PPC Classroom’s “Optimize My Site” software, reveals one of his most successful websites.
  • Russell Brunson, creator of ‘dotcom secrets’ reveals how to be competitive in the lucrative Internet Marketing Niche.
  • Brad Waller, creator of AdJungle.com, talks about optimizing banner rotation and split testing
  • Paul Colligan, co-author of ‘The Business Podcasting Bible’ shows you how to use podcasting to sell piles of affiliate products (2 part audio)
  • And you’ll also hear from Rosalind Gardiner and Mark Widower as they talk about how to revive struggling PPC campaigns that get hit by ‘google slaps’.

Affiliate Classroom Case StudiesThe Best of Affiliate Classroom’s Case Studies and Study Guides ($697 value)

I’m going to give you 23 of Affiliate Classroom’s high value case studies and study guides.

If you're new to affiliate marketing, these reports will supplement the introductory courses in PPC Classroom, especially the ones in green, which are a good introduction to some of the major affiliate networks.

The red case studies will help you as you work through the training Modules by Amit Mehta.

Finally, the case studies in gray will give you an edge with some advanced tools and techniques to build out your successful landing pages into full blown, competition proof websites.

  • Affiliate Links 101 Study Guide
  • Cloak Your Links and Protect Your Commissions
  • Choosing Domain Names Study Guide
  • Merchant Selection Study Guide
  • Marketing with Reviews Study Guide
  • Pre-Selling with Content Articles
  • Pre-Selling with Reviews
  • Clever Tips for Clickbank Profits
  • Choosing Profitable Products and Merchants
  • Finding Profitable Products in Commission Junction
  • Tour of The Google Affiliate Network
  • Tour of the Pepperjam Network: Niche Market King
  • More Traffic Using the Right PPC Match Types
  • PPC Landing Page Makeover
  • Using Heat Maps to Place Banners and Ads on Your Site
  • Using Google Analytics to Find Low-Cost Keywords
  • PPC vs. SEO Keyword Research for Maximum Traffic
  • Conversion Tracking for Increased ROI
  • Comparison of Popular Keyword Tools
  • How to Use Keyword Elite
  • Developing Sites in Other Languages
  • Outsourcing Study Guide
  • Using Squidoo to Get Backlinks

1100 Private Label Product Reviews (normally sold in packs of 100 for $47 per month = $517 value)

Sometimes it can take ages writing reviews of different products in different niches. Here you have 110 different niches, with 10 products reviewed in each niche.

Newsletter Business Packages 25 Newsletter Business Packages ($997 value)

You’ll receive 25 different newsletter collections, each collection contains 52 newsletters. So if you were to send out 1 newsletter per week, in an autoresponder system, that would last you a whole year!

Each newsletter package below includes 52 newsletters, suggested affiliate programs and opt-in page templates for you to use.

  1. Acne
  2. Aging
  3. Allergies
  4. Anxiety & Depression
  5. Back Pain
  6. Bill Consolidation
  7. Body Building
  8. Dating
  9. Debt Management
  10. Diabetes
  11. Diets and Dieting
  12. Dog Training
  13. Freelancing
  14. Home Remedies
  15. Hypertension
  16. Internet Marketing
  17. Muscle Mass
  18. Organic Food
  19. Personal Finance and Debt
  20. Self Help
  21. Small Business
  22. Travel
  23. Weight Loss
  24. Work at Home
  25. Wrinkles

Negative Keyword Lists (goes well with module 2 of PPC Classroom)

15 negative keyword lists

These will save you lots of time when you reach Module 2, where you will learn about building keyword lists.

  • Affiliate Marketing/Make Money Negatives
  • Bargain/Price Negatives
  • Complaint Negatives
  • DIY Negatives
  • Education Negatives
  • General Negatives
  • Image Negatives
  • Industrial Negatives
  • Job Negatives
  • Legal

Marketing Checklists and Tip Sheets

17 Must-Have Marketing Checklists and Tip Sheets (individually valued at $197 each)

The checklists in green will be useful if you're a beginner, since they provide lists of affiliate networks, tips on finding good offers to promote, and essential help with keyword lists.

The checklists in red will help as you develop content and copy for your landing pages/websites, and when you decide to build a list of subscribers in your most profitable niches.

The checklists in grey will be most useful when you decide to build out your most successful websites and incorporate free traffic and SEO tactics into your marketing.

Finally, the checklist in blue will help you build a "super affiliate dream team" through outsourcing.

  • How to Find and Choose Affiliate Programs
  • Affiliate Networks Checklist
  • Negative Keywords Tip Sheet
  • Domain Names Tip Sheet
  • Affiliate Networks Tip Sheet
  • Finding Affiliate Programs Tip Sheet
  • Tips for Customising Product Reviews
  • Marketing with Reviews Tip Sheet
  • Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Tip Sheet
  • Email Compliance Checklist
  • Tips for Customising Newsletters
  • The Top 20 Ezine Directories
  • Top 20 Ways to Get Free Traffic
  • Top Article Directories
  • Press Release Tip Sheet
  • Outsourcing Tips Checklist
  • Outsourcing Tip Sheet

Niche List Profits

Learn how to build an internet empire using just 3 page websites that take less than 5 minutes to build. (Contains video recordings of a $2k webinar course that was run by Anik Singal)

Important: To claim your free DVD, plus free access to PPC Classroom 2.0, PLUS your amazing super bonuses above, all you need to do is:

Step 1: Claim your free DVD from this link: http://www.ppcclass2.com (just pay a few dollars for shipping)

Step 2: To gain full access to all the bonuses for ordering through my link above, simply email us and include your receipt that you get from PPC Classroom when you pay for the shipping of your DVD.

I hope you gain fantastic value from this, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much value given away for free before, so make sure you take advantage of this before the DVDs run out.

Kind regards,

Mark Ling

P.S. You’re probably wondering, why are they doing this? What’s the catch?

Of course there is a catch. In the world of internet marketing, there are a lot of courses that don’t live up to people’s expectations, so people quite rightly don’t know who to trust.

Anik and Amit are offering this DVD + PPC Classroom for free because they want to “ethically bribe” you into trying their stuff. They are so confident that once you try their amazing strategies for yourself online and start making great money by following their methods, you won’t help but be convinced that it is a good idea to try out their other products and services, such as their VIP program and their private coaching.

I personally think it’s a smart initiative and I wish more internet marketers would follow their example by giving value up front.

Here’s your link again to claim your FREE PPC DVD + PPC Classroom Membership + $3329 Bonus Pack (all you need to pay is the shipping costs):



Carl McConnell 15 years ago

I would like to claim your FREE PPC DVD + PPC Classroom Membership + $3329 Bonus Pack
Mona 15 years ago
Anik and Amit,

This is just an amazing PPC enclore class. It is so overwhelming. This time I am more determined to make my goals. You guys rock. you absolutely rock.

God bless you,

William 15 years ago
Wow this is hot! I have not made a dime online. PPC as it is advertised could put me into the interner marketer success club plus. I love it when an opportunity comes along that gets me to dreaming. Dreaming of quitting my job and long commute. Then actually expanding my horizons. Going out to events or even sponsoring events.

The key is in the implementation of the skills being made available. Not being afraid to win and win big and consistently based on specialized knowlege, and support.

Thanks Will
Lars 15 years ago
Thanks Mark,
Looks to add more ways to profit together with my membership at your site.
Nice help you made with colors for the level.

Have a great day / Lars
Kevin 15 years ago

You are by far my favorite internet marketer! You have class and caring that shows in everything you do. Thanks for these great bonuses, can't wait to get them!!!

Chris 15 years ago
I just tried to order, but unfortunately it didn't work. I could not check out... :( (And no, it's not my cc :P) Anyway, I could use some help here..., because I really want that bonus and DVD course, of course. Thanks in advance.

Glenn 15 years ago
Same deal as Chris, could not check out, cc is current.
John Chatman 15 years ago
Thanks for the great bonuses Mark. I just sent along my receipt!
Robert 15 years ago
I just ordered the free dvd + ppc classroom membership through your link above. I have just emailed the order receipt to you. Your bonuses will enhance the ppc classroom lessons tremendously. Hope to receive your bonuses soonest possible.
Steve 15 years ago
Sent you another ticket, but same problem -- Can't check out!
Everything offered is fantastic, and would be so great to use...
Chris 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

Me again (Chris). I just ordered through your link and sent you the order receipt :) I can't wait to get started and receive your bonuses! Thanks for another great bonus package! Oh, and FYI, your bonuses stopped me from buying it through Brad C's link ;) Nice one!

mark proberts 15 years ago
hey mark id love to get on board for this great promotion sighn me up
Paul 15 years ago
Same as Glenn & Chris, can't check out. What's up?
Tish King 15 years ago
Yeah, I had the same problem. It kept telling me the credit card failed, and I know better than that. Bummer.
Simon Slade 15 years ago
If you have any issues with your credit card please email our support team and we will get it sorted out for you so you get access to all the bonuses :)
Roland 15 years ago
Just wondering,
How well does this product compare to your blueprint?
Paul 15 years ago
Order form working OK today. Sending receipt shortly!
Toni 15 years ago
Hi Mark,
Having the same problem as the other guys. Just tried to order several times and told cc card needs to be updated. Tried another cc and the same prob. Any suggestions?
ahmed 15 years ago
i have the same problem..what is the solution
Simon Slade 15 years ago
Please contact our support team and they will be able to give you the contact details to get it all sorted.
Alex Burda 15 years ago

Tried to order PPC classroom2.0 but experienced the same prblem as other with my cc card. Is it still possible to order through your link.

Lansana Musa 15 years ago
i have not yet made a dime on the internet. Frustrating. Hope your program can let me realize my dreams
Simon Slade 15 years ago
Yes you can still purchase it here http://www.ppcclass2.com
kevin murphy 15 years ago

My australian cc has only 3 number security check not 4 and your system keeps my cc. please advise what to do. thanks kevin
Edwin 15 years ago
I just ordered through your link and sent you the order receipt :) I can't wait to get started and receive your bonuses!

I would like to claim your FREE PPC DVD + PPC Classroom Membership + $3329 Bonus Pack

Thanks for the great bonus package!

Hope to hear from you soon.
clyde louis 15 years ago
trying to gett the free ppc. How can I get this?
Christopher 15 years ago
Hi Mike,

I have ordered PPCClassroom 2.0 a few days ago without going through any affiliate lead, is it possible to have the lead be pointed to your link, so that i can have access to your bonuses?

Sandra 15 years ago

Someone else in the forum asked a very good question and that has to do with how well this product compares to the affiloblueprint? Also, what I noticed unless I am not reading it correctly, after
one month of free access they would start billing me $97 a month? I can't afford that seeing that I haven't made any money yet? What is the deal here?
Seb 15 years ago
I signed up for the PPC Classroom 2.0 through your link on your blog. How do I get the bonuses you mention on your site? Thanks.

Seb the Netpro
boris 15 years ago
I would like to claim your FREE PPC DVD + PPC Classroom Membership
mary 15 years ago
glenn 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

Back again, (Glenn) transaction for PPC Classroom approved this time 28th Feb. looking forward to receiving your Super bonuses, they will be put to good use.

Thanks, Glenn
Frank Donnelly 15 years ago
I would love to try your system but I think a month free access is too short and the $97/month is too expensive for someone who hs made no money online yet.
samuel sapp 15 years ago
This information is very useful for me.thank you!
Security guarding 14 years ago
I can't believe i missed this! I probably wouldn't have been able to afford it when it was more but I would have paid for the DVD. Although a lot of us like to think we can go it alone in these situations, with there being so much competition now we need a little more help. I hope Amit and Anik repeat the offer some day.
Romina Farrugia 12 years ago
I have tried to click on the page but the link is not working. How can I obtain said product?