Hey Guys,
I'm really excited about the new release of PPC Bully 2.0 from Emil Paz. I had an opportunity to have an exclusive peak at the product before launch day, and I must say that I am hugely impressed.
PPC Bully 2.0 gives you incredible power to look behind the scenes of your competitors campaigns, find out what keywords they're bidding on, what affiliiate or CPA offers they're promoting and the landing pages they're using. Armed with this information you are able to set up your own Pay Per Click campaigns that start where they left off, building on their success and dramatically cutting down the time it takes to make your campaigns profitable.
I've also put together a bonus pack specifically based around building PPC campaigns. Check out details of those bonuses below.
Here's what to do if you're in a rush and want to join NOW, plus claim your Bonuses:
To claim your bonuses you have to:
1. Clear your cookies (search google for 'how to clear your cookies' if you are unsure of how to do this).
2. Click the following link and then purchase PPC Bully (Launches Tuesday 9 June 12pm EST)
3. Email [email protected] with your receipt and we'll give you your bonuses.
Bonuses details are below...
PPC Bully 2.0 Bonuses Package:
Bonus 1: My Latest Confidential PPC Domination Plan ($2997 value)
In my latest, powerful, confidential PPC Domination Plan, I start where AffiloBlueprint left off. This plan is built from my experience in previous PPC campaigns as well as numerous conversations with friends of mine who have made millions using PPC.
This is based on the personal plan I use for my PPC campaigns. In these videos I go through my complete process when I build PPC campaigns from the ground up. This is really advanced stuff and you're sure to get lots of value out of this!
Bonus 2: 30 Exclusively Profitable Niches ($2997 value)
In this product I reveal several of the niches that I myself promote and have had a lot of success with so I know for sure that they are profitable
Other niches that I've identified here fit my AffiloBlueprint criteria and I plan to promote them myself later in the year.
All these niches have a lot of other people making money in them, so there's no reason why you can't too, especially given that you have the perfect blueprint right here.
Note: The graphic above says 30, but I updated it recently to 32.
Bonus 3: Instantly profitable campaigns video presented by Emil Paz ($997 value)
This is EXCLUSIVE for the first 50 people who buy through my link only.
I've convinced Emil, the creator of PPC Bully to record and exclusive webinar event for those who buy through my link.
But this isn't just any webinar event, in this recording Emil Paz will reveal dozens of profitable campaigns and personal tactics that are sure to be incredibly valuable and well in step with the PPC Bully system, adding great value to your purchase.
Bonus 4: My 'Buyer' Keywords Report PLUS video (Value $97)
Some keywords result in higher probabilities of sales than other
keywords and I've compiled a list from my vast experience in Pay Per
Click as to what types of keyword phrases lead to buyers more often
than most others.
This is an essential list of 26 keywords, plus an explanation video that goes with them. Having these should be immediately helpful to your PPC efforts.
I'll give you a quick example of one of these keywords: "stop"
Now here's how that applies:
- stop dog barking (in the dog training niche)
- stop divorce (save marriage niche)
- stop baby crying (childcare niche)
- etc
As you can see people who type the word "stop" are really stressed about a particular problem and want to 'stop' it right now. And hence a lot of these people want to pay money for the ultimate solution to their problem.
This is just one example, there are 29 more of these powerful keywords in my 'Buyer' Keywords report PLUS video.
This has been instrumental in my ppc success over the last few years and is going to play a big part in your future success too.
It goes really well with PPC Bully when you find a profitable market and want to expand your keyword list.
Bonus 5: CPA Riches Videos ($997 value)
Watch these videos and discover how to leverage CPA (Cost Per Aquisition) networks in your online business. CPA is great because you get paid per lead, rather than per sale. For example, there are dozens of offers where you'll get paid per email address that gets submitted, or even just a zip code. Finally it's your turn to get on the INSIDE and begin generating an unstoppable stream of cash with CPA's... even if you've never signed up for a CPA network before!
This is great because one of the best ways of using PPC Bully is to uncover profitable CPA offers and their keywords and promote those.
Important: How to Claim Your PPC Bully Bonuses
To claim your bonuses you have to:
1. Clear your cookies (search google for 'how to clear your cookies' if you are unsure of how to do this).
2. Click the following link and then purchase PPC Bully (Launches Tuesday 9 June 12pm EST)
3. Email [email protected] with your receipt and we'll give you your bonuses.
All the best!
Mark Ling
Brian Pruitt • 16 years ago
Rod Dagan • 16 years ago
Just a little sceptical of another spy and keyword tool like google cash detective.
How can it show that a campaign is profitable for you when you do not know all the information eg back end profits, an affiliate may be paying highly so they can charge for advertising, the quality score.
In one of the videos saying they would take a niche and use bully to make a profitable campaign,they chose the guitar niche(Mark has already done it) they just chose a clickbank product and then researched it? Any one can do that it is just network marketing.
Anyway I prefer the journey of learning. Not to say that automated tools are not needed
An interesting thing happened to a successful affiliate who's campaigns were being scraped by these spy tools, he received negative response from his affiliate network regarding click problems and then had to find the source and exclude them from his ad campaigns.
mastercands • 16 years ago
You did not insert any link on your site?
Jenny Jordan • 16 years ago
Francisco Lastra • 16 years ago
Steve Arnesnors • 16 years ago
Dennis Rosenberg • 16 years ago
Fortune5Minutes • 16 years ago
It would be nice to actually make a profit for a change. I hope this will
help me do that.
Sock Siong Lim • 16 years ago
Chhedi Lal Gupta • 16 years ago
Woody Crenshaw • 16 years ago
From what I've seen around it looks like new members will have to pay $1,495 for a year membership. If you had PPC Bully 1.0 then it will only be $997.
It looks like it is made for intermediate to advanced PPC users.
If you are interested, I would take Mark up on these bonuses. The best I have seen.
Bruce • 16 years ago
Philippe de Tiege • 16 years ago
conor • 16 years ago
What is yr cost for Bully"
CDW • 16 years ago
Tony A • 16 years ago
Hooshmand Moslemi • 16 years ago
Actually, I've been following PPC Bully for a while now and I must say that it is a powerful tool letting us find out what our competitors are doing right now. It's really useful for everyone who wants to build a proven business in a very short period of time.
I do believe what Mark promotes here is going to be a winner. Without a doubt, PPC Bully is a fantastic tool for all PPC marketers and also for using in other marketing methods. But, what I am really excited is the bonuses you are giving away upon the purchase. You have literally made it so simple to make a decision.
Thank you Mark for letting us know about this amazing opportunity and helping us decide in a better way. Probably, I will give this program a shot, too and see the results. We will see.
sergio bustos • 16 years ago
Brian Pruitt • 16 years ago
Jimmy • 16 years ago
But, PPC Bully seems like another keyword tool similar to CashDetective....which I'm using now~!
Wut's the difference between these two softwares?
Chris Ross • 16 years ago
whats the difference between this one and Chris Carpenters Google Cash Detective 2?
Chris (Australia)
yap kee chong • 16 years ago
Brian Pruitt • 16 years ago
Trevor B • 16 years ago
joe • 16 years ago
Fully Automated Horse Racing Software • 16 years ago
Thank you
Allan Ashton • 16 years ago
mastercands • 16 years ago
I notice taht traffic travis also select the right keyworkds that are working on the market. And it will be nice to know what ppc bully provides that traffic travis does't.
if is just a matter of time (because traffic travis takes some time to investigate the internet, I think that paying $1500 does not fits the product.
Imagine that on the beggining of this year this product was $97/per month without that year fee. I just skip at that time and went to affiloblueprint. :)
Roland • 16 years ago
Mike • 16 years ago
Todd McLean • 16 years ago
The more and more I see Mark Ling promoting other GURU products to HIS members it makes me think Affilorama is headed in the wrong direction.
And the program itself is pretty pathetic when you consider that if these really successful guys with PPC realize what is being done...they will figure out a way for this NOT to work.
Very disappointed in Mark and the direction he seems to be headed.
Maria • 16 years ago
- 3 Payments of $547 each / - 5 Payments of $347 each. At this point I backed off, this is too expensive for me, and honestly I felt quite fooled. Please explain these expenses to me.
Thank you.
Brian Pruitt • 16 years ago
Mark Ling • 16 years ago
Sorry for not replying to your posts sooner, I have been on the Isle of Man for the last few days visiting a good friend of mine and he didn't have internet. I'm now in the airport and have found a hotspot so am going to reply to as many comments above as I can before I have to board my flight.
Firstly, to respond to those who were worried about the price point and also wondering if it is for newbies:
I want to make clear that this product is not (in my opinion) for complete newbies. I'm saying that not because newbies won't find it easy to use, but because newbies probably won't even be ready to make full use of it right away, and secondly because it is expensive. If you are already making a few hundred dollars a week from pay per click, then yes this is wonderful, spending $1497 to increase your income by another 100% or more is certainly worth the investment. If you haven't grasped pay per click yet and are struggling, then even with this tool, you'll probably still struggle and I'd spend the $1497 on your own ppc campaigns if I were you.
For those wondering what the difference between PPC Bully and the traffic travis competition analysis tool:
With traffic travis, you have to enter in the keywords that you wish to track. If you are on a budget then this is certainly the tool you should use. With ppc bully, they have already collated the data for you on millions of keywords so you can right away click and see what keywords advertisers have been bidding on and how long they've been advertising and a bunch of other data. It's a great investment for anyone who is already succeeding with PPC and wants to take it further.
For those wondering if these are hyped up bonuses for me trying to make a sale of the product. Yes these are hyped up, I'm hyping them up because they are great. Particularly the ppc plan which I recorded a couple of weeks ago, I'm sure people will make a lot more back than the price of PPC Bully from following that plan. Yes I do earn a commission if you buy through my link. That's how I fund this entire Affilorama website, you'll notice that I don't charge for everything, there are over 80 hours of videos in the lessons area for people who are on a budget and can't afford my paid stuff. Traffic Travis is available for free at www.traffictravis.com too. And when I recommend great products, I provide super bonuses to make them even better for you guys and a lot of work goes into creating them, so I feel I'm earning my commission by providing them.
To answer Roland: You don't need this product to start your internet dream, this is the kind of product that can accelerate things along greatly when you are already making some money, or have money to invest. But I've done very well without this tool for years, and have only recently started using it myself, so you don't have to worry, you don't have to get it. But for anyone who is already making at least some money from Pay Per Click marketing and wants to enhance it further, it is a wonderful investment.
My plane is boarding now (I'm off to Ibiza), just heard the first call.
All the best everyone!
Andre • 16 years ago
Now THERE's internet marketing for yah!
Why do I always get the feeling these ppl are making more money on selling these "programs" then on the programs themselves?? But that's probably just me. ;)
And btw, one sale within an hour doesn't prove one damn thing of course. I mean, I'm not saying the whole thing doesn't work since I have no idea. I'm just trying to say people should be careful and not fall for all the advertisements too quickly. Because eventually it all about your money!
Geoff bennett • 16 years ago
I met Mark and his wife in London last Thursday and discussed a number of items about affiloblueprint with him. He said then that he did not expect those on affiloblueprint to buy these extras and advised us not to do so. He said they were for experienced web affiliates and web businesses and he advised us to only use the blueprint materials until we were fully established. That corresponds with what he says here. We had a great time (including three pizzas) at Covent Gardens. Thanks Mark
Geoffrey Bennett UK
Tom • 16 years ago
You coach in Affilorama, to stay focused and complete the program and to stay away from buying other "things" that cause quiting and jumping to other programs. I found this to be good advice. As I read comments from others above in the blog, I see questioning around the promoting of the same types of products we were coached to avoid jumping on.
In your response it seems there is an answer for all of us. It would be very helpful for those that trust your coaching, to hear you explain 'who" a product would be good for. If you have "not" completed your first website through Affilorama, then this product is not for you. IF, you are currently using and understand PPC, then this will provide advanced skills. All of us starting out need to funnel our dollars into returns wisely when everything is an expense, until revenue turns on from sales.
In the future, please help us understand "who" the product is good for and what skill level they should be at in order for us to relize "return value" on the price we pay for a product.
Thanks and think your Affilorama is first class, and we will pass on the Bully thing and keep our nose glued to building our first website.
Daniel Gruber • 16 years ago
mastercands • 16 years ago
Thanks for the smile that you couse on my face. 4 sure I found the same conclusion. All this programs make more money on selling, comparing with the program it self. You see: this guys are selling a product for almost $1500 (just to start). You must be a SUPER or MEGA affiliate to invest some money in something that you dont know (for testing).
It could make more sense if they allow the product for 30days (for testing) and if the product start making some money (like they said), we could pay with that money.
That make me remeber a product that I saw on the tv to clean the bathroom. It was a gorgeous product, thay said that even the queen will be proud to your your bathroom. Well.... i paay for that product. :) ...... few day later my wife said: that was a scam. (PS: I am not saing that ppc bully is a scam, but most of the product when you dont have a solid base it wont work).
Regarding with Geoff,
I am very jealous for you. I really wanna speak face by face with this amazing guy :Mark Ling. Because this affiloblueprint is the first blueprint that I could understand vey easily how internet marketing really works. Even to create websites: i was thinking that it was a "MUST" in having a webdesign training to understand Internet Marketing, believe or not but in 1 week I buid a website. hehehe
The only complain is just because the lesson 10 is after 10 weeks. It could be great if on the introduction of the blueprint Mark could say:
1 - If you have $50 to invest and more time to spend: go to SEO;
2 - If you have $1000 to invest: go to PPC;
than add some comment of how to build landing pages.
For me traffic travis is working fine for now but it will be great if there was a trial version of ppc bully. at least for 1 week. :)
Andre Klein • 16 years ago
Andre Klein • 16 years ago
Andre Klein • 16 years ago
Affiliate Radar ($97 monthly)
Keyword Xray
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Andre Klein • 16 years ago
Google Cash Detective has a similar approach. Both are based on the assumption, that an ad that is there for some time and spends a decent amount of money must be profitable.
Andre Klein • 16 years ago
I have purchased PPC Bull and are comparing it againts Google Cash Detective. For the interested ones you can get view the yesterdays 1 hour introduction of PPC Bully.http://ppcbully.com/blog/getting-started-with-ppc-bully-2-0/. Just to make it clear. I AM NOT GETTING ANY affiliate commission for PPC Bully. AS I mentioned before I reached my return of investment after 5 weeks. I am still in the process of comparing both and will finally go for only one of them. If you also sign up we can exchange experiences.
Brian Pruitt • 16 years ago
I found out there is a way you can block Spy tools and since the tools have unique IP addresses its easy to just block them. Wheras Traffic Travis is hosted on your own computer and it makes it harder for a person to figure out whose spying and whose not.
Unless they have a system in place where they use multiple IP's that rotate then both tools scare me. If you Google block Spy Tools you'd find all kinds of information about it.
White Dragon • 16 years ago