You've made awesome, evergreen content. You've received inbound links from authority sites and industry giants in your niche. You've done everything by the book.
So why haven't you made it big in the search engines?
Unfortunately, while you were out doing the real money-making activities, you probably didn't realize that your site was gradually accumulating more and more technical errors and SEO issues.
The problem is that these errors can make or break your site. Each issue might be small, but they add up fast. Combined, they can make it really difficult or impossible for the search giants to crawl your website, and see how awesome your content is.
Not good.
Fortunately you can now locate and banish those sneaky, difficult to notice SEO issues permanently, with our newly overhauled "Site Health" module in AffiloTools!
Check it out
Start with the big picture
Don't get slowed down by data, data, data; check your site's health at a glance with your overall score! High Score = Good. Low Score = Bad. (It's all out of 100)
Of course, there's also a breakdown into different types of issues, for seeing where your specific strengths and weaknesses lie.
No site is perfect though [heck, even Affilorama only scores somewhere in the 90s], so we've also added general color coding: site in the green? You're probably pretty good. Yellow? Maybe a few things need fixing. Red? Hoo boy, you've got work to do.
Only your most important pages
We don't want to bother you with useless information about every page you've ever written. Instead, like you, we focus on scanning just your most important pages for issues.
Besides, in our experience, if you can solve the SEO and technical issues for your top pages, you'll probably solve them for the rest of your website as well.
High impact issues first
There's little point knowing that you have a missing H1 tag on your homepage, if half your site is inaccessible.
That's why we put the really important issues at the top of your list, and leave the less important stuff out of the way until you're ready for it.
Not just 'what', but 'how'
Not everyone's a tech whiz, so we've focused Health Check on providing actionable steps and useful links, so you can easily understand and fix any issue on your website.

You're a busy person; even though you know how to fix your site issues, you have more effective things to do with your time!
No problem - send an email from inside Health Check, so your own developer can get it sorted quick smart!
Ignore unimportant stuff
No two sites are the same, so sometimes an issue we show won't be relevant to you (or you just don't care). Just click "Ignore Check" next to any check, and you won't be bothered again!
Note: we don't yet have a way to un-ignore checks from the front-end, so be careful. You have been warned!
Have you fixed it?
Just fixed an issue and want to check you've done it properly?
Click "Check again" on any specific issue, and Health Check will re-scan your site for just that issue.
...It's not perfect yet
While we've released Health Check to make your life easier, it's not perfect yet. We're still refining the issues that we automatically check, and there's probably still some weird site configurations we have difficulty scanning.
As always, though, if you do find an issue with health check, don't be afraid to contact our awesome Customer Support team for help!
Access it right now!
Get started with the Health Check Module right away, by logging into AffiloTools, and clicking 'Health Check' from the sidebar.
Want to check your own site health?
make moneyonline • 11 years ago
MichaelStone • 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
Good wishes!