How To Become Successful With Evergreen Niches

By Mary Ann Tordecilla
How To Become Successful With Evergreen Niches


In affiliate marketing, it is always best to stick to niches that provide you with stable, yearly income. Of course, promoting seasonal products can also bring you a lot of sales especially in holiday seasons like Halloween, Christmas and New Year.

The same goes with the current product trends. There is nothing wrong with promoting the latest products trends online, especially if the market is high in demand.

However, you can enjoy and benefit more from affiliate marketing by choosing “evergreen niches”. These niches have products that people want and need every year and in years to come.

So why do these evergreen niches remain popular? They remain in demand simply because people need help in these fields. When there is this kind of need, information is in demand as well.

For affiliate marketers this is good news. Evergreen niche sites provide content that is very useful today and also for years to come. No matter how many times Google add changes to its algorithm, these evergreen niche sites will remain strong.

Examples of evergreen niches

It is very easy to spot an evergreen niche. Just think of products that people always buy, regardless of time and economic status they’re currently in. I have enumerated below what I think are top three popular evergreen niches. These are very broad niches and they can still be broken down into smaller and more focused niches.

1. Health- includes skin care, acne treatments, weight loss, bodybuilding, diet plans, etc.

2. Money- includes forex, stocks, investments, banking, business, etc.

3. Self-Improvement- includes dating, relationship, marriage, motivation, success, etc.


Of course we do not ignore the fact that evergreen niches tend to be oversaturated. In my previous post, I have explained what you can do in an oversaturated market. Yes, there are a lot of competitors in these markets; however, it also holds true that there is huge income of opportunity in these niches as well.

How to compete in a saturated, evergreen niche?

So you’re there- you have an evergreen niche, you have your set of keywords, you’re working on a good content site, you’re doing a good amount of SEO work and then after a while BAM! You don’t see any progress in your traffic and you cannot make even one sale yet!

Does this situation seem familiar? I guess every one of us can relate to this. In one point in our marketing career, we felt that things are not going well as we have hoped it’ll turn out to be. So how can you become successful with evergreen niches anyway? 

Well, the first thing you need to do to shrug off all the negativity in you (no matter how difficult your situation with traffic and sales conversion). Instead, be challenged and become more productive by finding ways on how you can improve.

Important things to consider

Below are my suggestions on how you can be successful in marketing an evergreen niche:

  • Carefully choose an evergreen niche that works well for you- A good and successful evergreen niche always comes from something you already know or you have done a lot of research about. Do not just choose a niche that can provide you with good income. It is best that you pick something that you know you can provide readers good information. This makes writing content and marketing a website easier.
  • Evergreen sub-niches work too- Yes, they are also good. However, make sure that the sub-niche you choose offers products that are in demand. There are actually several evergreen sub-niches that offer products/services that no one is actually looking online. So again, conduct a market research first. I recommend you check out Affilorama Premium Market Strength Analysis tool. This tool can easily help you check if a product niche is in demand or not. Additionally, it also provides how much you can earn in a particular product.
  • Make a list of human needs and wants. This makes it easier for you to search for products in Clickbank (or in any affiliate network sites). I made a sample list of these needs and wants below:
    • How to make money
    • How to be healthy
    • How to become successful
    • How to attract people
    • How to be loved
    • How to make relationship
  • Spend time finding good keywords- Most affiliate marketers fail in their business simply because they often target generic keywords or keywords that simply have high search volume.
  • While these keywords can bring you a large amount of traffic when you rank at the top pages, your sales conversion may not be that good. Generic keywords like “dating”, “success”, and “money” may mean anything and your visitors may not be looking for product or service in the first place. A good keyword falls into one or more of these factors:
  • Long tail keyword- composed of keyword phrase that are very targeted and specific (example: dog training course, Canadian personal coach)
  • Buyer-intent keyword- Although keywords with “free” attached in them bring in a lot of traffic, they don’t usually convert to sales. Thus, try to avoid keywords like free dog tutorial or free medical check-up if you are looking to increase your sales. Instead focus on buyer-intent keywords (example: cheap supplements, selling skin acne products)
  • Product review keyword- this keyword suggest specific product reviews. This can be a good addition to your list of keywords. (example: Samsung LED Tv review; Dr. Phil How Relationship Works ebook review)
  • Permanent type keyword- long term keywords that will not go out of season. (example: loose belly fat; love advice)
  • You can use Google Keyword Tool for your keyword research. I also recommend you try Traffic Travis if you want to get a list of keywords relevant to your niche.
  • Plan how you write your content- As soon as you have your keyword list, you need to plan how you create your content. By this, I do not just mean planning how you insert your keywords into your content. You also need to write tutorial-based content. What is great about tutorial content is you can strategize well your on-page SEO. You can interlink your posts and pages well without becoming too “obvious”. Interlinking your pages will not only increase click-thrus to your site, it also makes traffic stay within your pages. Additionally, if you have a lot to share to your users, your content also becomes a link magnet. People who like your post may share and link your content to other sites. This lightens your link building effort in the long run.
  • Prioritize quality links- With Google’s recent algo updates, spamming has become obsolete. So yes, stick to quality link building like blogging, guest posting, forum posting, and blog commenting.
  • Always track your SEO efforts- Another common mistake for affiliate marketers is they do not spend time looking at statistics. You can actually learn a lot (whether you are doing everything right or wrong) by just looking at your traffic stat. Like for example, higher bounce rate implies that you should do something to reduce the number of people leaving your webpages immediately. If you're an Affilorama Premium member, then you should try AffiloTools to track your SEO efforts.

There you have it guys. I hope I have given you lots of ideas on how to compete and be successful in an evergreen niche. For complete information and step-by-step tutorials on how to become successful in affiliate marketing, I highly recommend you get a copy of our AffiloBlueprint 3.0 course.

kinni 12 years ago
Congrats & Thanks...indeed, a lovely article... Evergreen Niches- my blog comes under your one of the three evergreen niches..'self improvement'- I write articles on techniques of meditation and on public relations...which includes many things, such as relations; stress; health etc- yet I am not doing good at all, this is high time I must get a start now, I do not know where I am failing...still trying continuously....
12 years ago
Great content Mary,

Sorry to hear your not doing well, most times it's because of having little to no traffic (visitors), but if you have traffic and no conversions, take a look at what Kind of traffic is coming in, next is what are you offering them, is the quality there, does it provide value, and are you offering it in a way that will convert them to buy, that sorta thing, but remember people buy from people not from websites.
Umar 12 years ago
Thank You Very Much Ms Mary Ann Tordecilla, I like your approach. Your thoughts are really impressed. Very wonderful points. Very Helpful. You give me a very positive direction. See you soon with some new articles. Regards,

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