Have your questions answered by a Super Affiliate

By Affilorama Group
Have your questions answered by a Super Affiliate


Do you want your questions answered by an industry expert? Well you are in luck!

Mark has started a series on the Affilorama Youtube Channel where he will answer any questions you have about internet and affiliate marketing!

Check out a couple of the first videos below, and make sure you rank them if you think they're good!

Also, go to the Affilorama Youtube Channel and subscribe to get notified when there is a new video.

If you have any questions, just email them to [email protected] or post them in the comments below.


Hope you enjoy the videos!

Don't forget to subscribe to the Affilorama Youtube Channel!

John Comley 15 years ago
Hey Michael, You're the guru - help me with this one please!
When you promote a product on ClickBank, do you need to upload the product (eBook) ONTO their site or does it kick to YOUR website for the download?
I am trying to understand the process flow. If you can, please lay it out like this:
1. Online shopper clicks on ClickBank affiliate website on tab to purchase YOUR product
2. Online shopper gets pushed to ClickBank website . . . .
3. (what next)
4. (what next)
5. (what next)
6. (what next) - "Thank You" page stuff, etc!

I would hugely appreciate this.

15 years ago
I have already built websites with step by step videos. What used to take me days, now takes minutes. Now I find myself going through the same process with promotion but am having a hard time putting together a daily traffic plan that works and I know I will get results from it if I follow it every day. My problem is I don't know what works and what doesn't. I have tried what others say works for them. But since I haven't got anything working, I don't know if what I am doing needs to be done more consistently or am I wasting time and should be doing something else. Do you have a proven daily traffic plan that is guaranteed to work if I just follow it everyday?
Sean Byrne 15 years ago
Hey Mark,

I am just wondering...

Is it really possible to make 100k a day from affiliate marketing?

I reckon a lot of how this is done is via outsourcing a lot of the work once you get to a point in your earnings where you can outsource getting websites built for you and articles written for you for content purposes, even getting someone or something to work on your seo campaigns! If you are in that position, you are simply researching niches and building the foundations of a website, but then outsource the lot so you can move onto the next project, whilst monitoring all your websites and making tweaks where necessary!

john jones 15 years ago
why can i not do what you said,I went to getting started and i can't where are the videos i hope that it not the videos that you refer to
15 years ago
good job i like bussines online