Hi Guys,
Following on from the last 2 days videos about setting up and customizing your wordpress blog. I've got some recommendations for plugins. You don't have to install these if you find that part complicated, but for those of you who are familiar with how easy it is to do (and there are instructions on each website that I list), these are fantastic!
Here's my top 12. I invite you to comment on them or whether or not you have others that you recommend:
Part of Google Adsense's terms of service is that you do not display more than 3 sets of Google Adsense ads on each page. Adsense-Deluxe allos you to place google ads as part of your template or in your posts, while ensuring you don't break Google's 3 ads rule.
Google Sitemaps
By having a Google Sitemap, you'll be able to keep your blog as up to date in Google as possible. This Google Sitemaps plugin will create a sitemap of your wp blog that is Google compliant.
I just found this one today, it's a great service which shows up custom items associated with various email addresses of users who post comments on your blog. It's another way of adding more personality and splice to your blog.
Head META Description
Many search engines, such as Google, display your description meta data in their search results. The problem is, wordpress usually uses the exact same meta data for each and every page on your website. By installing this plugin, you'll ensure that you ahve a dynamic description meta tag for every entry you put into your blog, which is automatically generated based on the page content.
Optimal Title
This is very essential for SEO purposes as it lets you put the title of your blog posts before the blog title, rather than after your blog's name.
All in One SEO Pack
Some features:
* Automatically helps you to avoids duplicate content found on most typical Wordpress blogs
* Optimizes your titles for search engines automatically
* You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
* Automatically generates META tags
* Allows you to fine tune anything you want.
* It is backwards-compatibile with a lot of other plugins, such as ultimate tage warrior, auto meta and many others.
Related Posts
This is a great way of getting your readers to read more of your blog posts because it automatically displays related posts that you have made.
Permalink Redirect
One of the frustrating things when you check through your stats is that wordpress urls with a trailing slash are the same as ones that aren't, yet show up as separate pages. It's also frustrating from an SEO perspective as many search engines treat these as separate pages. Luckily there's Permanent Redirect, which issues a 301 (permanently moved) redirect if anyone accesses your page via the non-permalink web address. This will help you from an SEO perspective and keep your stats clean.
Ultimate Tag Warrior
Tags are one of the most interesting things that Web 2.0 has brought to the internet. Thanks to Ultimate Tag Warrior, you can join in on this and tag your posts. The main reason for tagging is that it assists in narrowing down for others what the post is about and it provides and easy way of getting around your site. It also give Technorati a great idea of what your post is about so that it can index it correctly. Technorati is another great place for driving traffic to your website, hence this is an essential tool.
Spam has got to be one of the most frustrating parts of owning a wordpress blog. It seems like the moment you've set up your blog, you start getting incoming spam comments. That's why you need to install the Akismet plugin, which eliminates a LOT of your comment spam problems.
WPCron for wordpress backups
Wordpress Database backup is included by default in editions 2.0 and above. However the plugin is much more useful if you also install WP Cron because it'll automate the backup process for you. This is a more advanced plugin and not necessary for newbie/intermediates who might find it tricky to set up.
I hope that you've gained a lot of value from this blog post. Please post your comments and suggestions for other great plugins.
All the best!
P.S Reminder: On Sunday Night at 6pm EST I’ll be running a LIVE teleseminar with 2 of the world’s best blogging experts. It promises to be packed full of great value and you’ll also get to ask questions live on the call, so be there if you want to discover web 2.0 blog traffic strategies, monetization strategies and much more! I will post the audio version of this call on this blog soon after it is released.
Here are the teleseminar event details: http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=2702478 (Tip: Set your alarm on your phone to remind yourself!)
Wil Riley • 17 years ago
Thanks for the plugins.
Much appreciated!
Douglas Titchmarsh • 17 years ago
I have also downloaded some of the others you recommend, and will give them a whirl. I also rediscovered Feedburner thanks to your article, and have started adding an email subscribe for updates (not everyone uses RSS feeds to follow websites).
Thanks for a useful article Mark.
Nancy P Redford • 17 years ago
Just wanted to update you on the permalink redirect plugin.
Since the advancements in WordPress 2 series that redirect is now built into the basic WordPress blogging software.
So there is no need for it any more.
This saves everyone so much time and stress.
Thanks to everyone providing feedback to WordPress they have finally added some pricesless built-in features.
Eagerly looking forward to the NEW Affilorama site!
Mark • 17 years ago
Useful plugins.
Could I bring to your attention two more which
save a lot of heartache.
Automatically upgrades your blog to the latest
version of WordPress in a couple of easy clicks,
Adds Google Analytics to your blog pages quickly
and easily.
Best wishes and keep up the good work.
Mike • 17 years ago
Vitallywell • 17 years ago
Damian • 17 years ago
gourmet coffee snob • 17 years ago
Alan Mclaren • 17 years ago
thanks for all the input.
I am going to create my first blog tomorrow night (hopefully) following your videos and using the plug ins.
Dagmar • 17 years ago
I posted the list of my 10 most useful WP plugins at:
- I think they'll add to your list nicely
especially WP database plugin (so you don't lose your blog!),
and Smart update pinger (so you can edit your posts without overpinging), not to mention a very useful Social bookmarking plugin so people can easily add your blog to SB sites
+ couple of other useful plugins... ;-)
china wholesale • 16 years ago
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ratsinirway • 15 years ago
There are many reasons to consider computer monitoring software. The first and foremost is to monitor your children to make sure they are safe when online and to limit access to undesirable websites.
A second reason is to observe your spouse when you suspect them of cheating. Another use would be to monitor or limit website access to employees who should be working and not using the internet for personal use. In addition there are many other possibilities such as monitoring criminal activity or simply restricting certain websites.
If you decide that computer monitoring software is for you be sure to analyze the many products available on the market to find the one that is best tailored to your needs.
The products will differ by access and data control so be sure to do your homework.
Let’s take a look at how the software works.
Computer monitoring software will secretly work on a computer (including laptops) in the background without any trace of the software in the system registry. It will not appear in the system tray, the process list, the task manager, desktop, or in the Add/Remove programs. It should not be disrupted by firewalls, spyware or anti virus applications and is completely invisible.
The individual using the computer will not know about the software and will use the computer as they normally would. Even hitting the famous control, alternate, delete buttons will not display or stop the software.
So how exactly does the software work?
The software will record websites visited, keystrokes typed, IM (instant message) chats, email sent and received including webmail, chats, applications used, Word and Excel documents and even take screen shots.
The computer monitoring software will let you quickly determine if your child is safe or your spouse is cheating. It will also allow you to block websites or software on the monitored computer.
The software will let you every detail of the computer use.
Accessing the recorded data will differ with the types of computer monitoring software. Many programs will email you the recorded data in a form of a text file. Some require you to access the computer directly to view the data. The best will allow you to access the data online from any computer with a user login. This is the recommended method.
So now that you have decided on using computer monitoring software you are probably wondering if it is legal. In most cases the answer is yes however this depends on the state or country you live in. When monitoring employees it is recommended to check with state laws or union agreements.
Of course using the software may also be a moral dilemma. Should I spy on my children, spouse, or employees? In today’s technological world a child can be victimized at home without evening meeting the offender. The sleepless nights could end in you finally find out your spouse is not cheating. Or maybe you finally have proof that they are. You can stop employees from visiting inappropriate websites at work by blocking access to them.
To conclude there are many legitimate reasons to use computer monitoring software. This is a valuable tool for many and can help to save your children, marriage, or business. It is up to you to decide if it is morally acceptable.