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Mark Ling building a website in front of a live audience

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Mark Ling building a website in front of a live audience

Where can I find Mark's video of him creating a website in front of live audience?

Thanks Rich
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Last edited by jasondodd on 02 Oct 09 3:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: title changed to describe the post better

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Hi Rich,

Affiloblueprint will teach you how to build a profitable website like from scratch. That site was built in front of a live audience and at the end of 12 weeks was making (and still is) over US$500 a week. Affiloblueprint is the full explanation of how that site was made and marketed with step-by-step videos of every part of the process.

If you are interested in purchasing affiloblueprint, please click on this link:

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
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I have already purchased the Affilloblueprint course in June 2009. The video I am interested in was the one where Mark created a website in front of the live audience. I started to watch it awhile ago but never got a change to finish. Let me know where I can find it.

Thanks Rich
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Hi Rich,
Is this the video you are looking for?
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Hi Rich,
That is the Affiloblueprint.
Mark has people on his computer to the right watching what he does.
They are also asking him questions as he goes.
I don't know of any other videos with Mark doing a site in front of an audience except for the blueprint.

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ampie g
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Hi Rich, you may be referring to the live website building webinar. The link is on the Affiloblueprint forum under the topic 'Website Building Replay'.
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Hi Ampie,

I tried the link you gave but it says I am not authorized to read that forum. Why is that?

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This is because the only people who can view it are the people who have purchased the Affiloblueprint as I mentioned above. :)

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Does the link show everything step by step in great detail? Meaning from the point of buying a domain name, getting hosting, FTP, cPanel, and so on right till the end?
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I believe so yes, It is an add on detailed seminar that compliments the Affiloblueprint course.

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It goes through the whole site building process, its about 2 hours long so pretty detailed. It also includes creating articles using an article spinning tool available free to AB members.

Theres not much that Mark leaves out!
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Hi Rayvin,

Yes, the video shows Mark building a website using WordPress (WP). The URL for Mark's curing panic and anxiety site is The topics in this video include setting up your domain name servers, installing WP, Affiloblueprint theme installation, adding plugins, hiring writers from, getting photos for your header, editing images using a free software and article spinning. These are also covered in Affiloblueprint.
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Hello, I was just looking at the stats of
Is this site doing any sales? because the stat sites show me it is getting next to no traffic Page rank is 0, and alexa rank is just over 1,000,000 meaning no one is visiting this site.
So how is just putting up a blank page with writing on it going to do any good also it would be hard to get relevant links to get it ranking in google and also would not do very well as a landing page in adwords.... Can
Sorry for the ramble on, Not trying to be rude. I appreciate what affilorama does.
But can you tell me how this site, in witch way would with site be able to make sales?
I just dont see it doing well.
you correct me if im rong please?
Or expand on what i just said in detail?

Its much appreciated
Thank you
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I had a look at the site as well, and it doesn't look bad at all. He is ranking for the term end panic attacks and the site is still pretty young, As far as I can see the site hasn't been heavily promoted to say the least so it looks okay to me. If he's making sales with it? There I can only guess, perhaps every once in a while..but not much.

However this is a pretty competitive market, the site isn't promoted (by the looks of it anyway) and is young. I have no clue of Marks plans with it, but my strategy here would be do a few promotions and then give it a rest. slowly add some content and get an outsourcer to give it momentum. Or when you see no results after some promotions let it be. Not all sites turn into great cash cows I think.

I hear a little suspicion or worry behind your question but SEO takes a long time, and Mark is an enthusiast entrepreneur firmly believing in what he does. Perhaps he is in his enthusiasm sometimes a bit to optimistic about time frames.. I know that seeing your stats going from bad to worse and vice versa is frustrating. But one of my sites was getting 20 -30 visitors a day, then Google picked me up and the thing is now doing 3000 unique's on slow days to 35000 on it's top day. (wanted to say peak days, but it was only once :-)).

Anyway I'm playing around with sites since 2004 and it does work. But it takes time.... and a lot of time when you are waiting :-)

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WoW Blackbook was originally recorded in front of a live audience. During the 12 weeks (I spent about 1 to 2 hours a week with my students), I built it from scratch and got it making 500 a week (which was 10 times more than my target).

Then later I re-recorded the videos with Aletta and it is no longer 'live' but it is better because it is in bite size chunks now (weeks 1 to 12), rather than being a little bit hap hazard as is the nature with live bootcamps.

The other bootcamp where I recorded building a website live was the recent 'Affiliate Blog Bootcamp' which is for Affilorama Premium Members only (not AffiloBlueprint members). Perhaps that is the one you are looking for?

The EndPanicAttacks website has not been promoted at all, I built it in front of a live audience (my Affiloblueprint members) just to illustrate how quickly it is to build such a website. I will promote it in 2010 though as it has still made a trickle of sales (not bad considering it was built in 3 hours and only had one article link built to it and it didn't have any further marketing done on it). I had just got a bit busy with my numerous other websites that were part of my original plan for 2009.
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Hi I just looked at the end panic attacks site and it looks like what I am getting done on my sites.I have one site getting sales and two getting built. I just wanted to ask if this is an average site it looks very simple and plane. This makes me curious can I find more of these sites just to see examples of how little or how much it takes to have success. I also know that it is also depending on how much seo you apply. I would still like to see more of this type of site just to get ideas.This is my site that is doing alright ""
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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I love looking at Marks sites. It really helps get an idea of what works.

Does anyone know what Mark uses to build these sites (besides wordpress)? What was the EndPanicAttacks website built with? Is this from a template?

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Have a Question,
When you sign up for the Premium Package it says that the Boot Camp Video of Mark building a website is "INCLUDED", now I noticed on this post that you are saying that you have sign up for another part to actually watch this? What's up with that? Part of the reason I decided to join the Premium membership was because I thought that actually getting to watch Mark build a REAL WEBSITE was included, I am not happy about this. I even got an email confirming my Premium membership and it even says that the live webinar is included, so were is it?

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Mike, you need to look at the date of the post. this thread is ovr 2 years old, before the blog bootcamp was added to premium membership. you can find the blog bootcamp under all my affilorama products here

I believe the one you are looking for is the Affiliate Blog Bootcamp
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This topic was started on Oct 01, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
