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Affiliate Blueprint Launch Review - Should I Buy?

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Joined: 22 Apr 09

Affiliate Blueprint Launch Review - Should I Buy?

Hi, I am really interested in what michael has to say, and very close to purchasing his modules, can anyone else out there help me with this, is it worth giving it a go, its sounds great, I still have so much to do on my current website, I kind of feel guilty, but I thought if I keep working on my site and also go with the affiliate blueprint launch also to get some cash happening. anybody got any ideas
regards justine
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I'm in the same quandary at the moment. While Mark endorses Michael through advertising, when one is new, as i am, they spend so much time and energy looking for what paths will work and those that may not. The problem is that so many affiliate marketers are choosing the "advice" path of making money, and one has to wonder when the "those who can't do, teach" syndrome is at play or not.
Long story short, I too am very close to making a purchase, and would like to hear from anyone who has a history of working with Michael.
Thank you in advance.
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Justine and David,

I also found the Affiliate Launch Blueprint interesting. But here's the thing. I'm in the middle of the AffiloBlueprint right now. Sometimes, the key is to focus on one system. When you jump from system to system, one could quite often get stuck in a "learning' rut and never take action.

For me, money is, in part, a factor in my decision. But for now, I'm going to focus on the plan I am already following, and once I get that working and have money to spend, then I will look for ways to supplement what I have learned.

It's easy to get distracted. You have to decide if you think it is worth it for you.

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gradyp wrote:the key is to focus on one system. When you jump from system to system, one could quite often get stuck in a "learning' rut

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Posts: 191
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thank you, thats just what I needed to hear, I will keep plodding along, I am also only half way through the course. I also did make a very strong decision a while back not to get caught up in the other systems, but this one really got me, maybe down the track it will come up again. thanks to all
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I have unsubscribed from most of the 'gurus' lists I've been on and decided to focus on Affiloblueprint. I have been down the path of getting lured to the next shiny object and have ended up confused and achieved nothing! (except experience of course) However ! Because I respect and believe in Mark, this offer got my attention and I watched Michael's video. It's very powerful and I was tempted but held off. It really threw me in to confusion and inaction for that day. I had to walk away and try and get clear about what I'm doing. I think the reason it grabbed me was firstly that Mark recommended it, secondly the video was talking about earning higher figures in a month than we hear about in Affiloblueprint. It brought up my impatience, my greed, my desire to change my career. Bloody good sales copy!!
So why am I telling you this?
I'm sharing this as I hope it can help some of you stay focussed on Affiloblueprint. My advice (which I'm taking myself) is stick with one program, once it's making you money and you're satisfied you've learned as much as you can from it, then try something else if necessary.
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faradina wrote:
gradyp wrote:the key is to focus on one system. When you jump from system to system, one could quite often get stuck in a "learning' rut


I second that Exactly...lol

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
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What if you haven't started either of these promoted lessons? I am a newbie (4 days)....don't know enough to choose either but want to choose somethng ASAP. I would like the answer from Real Marketers out there if at all possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Hi Lordhes,
Welcome to Affilorama.
If you are new to Affiliate marketing/Internet Marketing then I certainly wouldn't be jumping on the first thing you see.

Read some forums and get general information on Internet marketing so you can get your head around things.
There are tons of ways to make money on the internet, but the easiest way for a newbie to do it is to sell someone else's product.

Mark's Affiloblueprint will help you understand how to do this.
That isn't just a shameless plug, Mark's blueprint really does move you through the process of how things work.
Even if you buy some courses or how to books online.. you will find that you start to know what works for you and what doesn't.
Also, I would be reading the forums as much as I can, especially this one and the blog here and elsewhere.
It's amazing how much you pick up just by reading for a couple of weeks.
Then you will have some questions and you can come back here and ask them.

Note: You will have an inclination to sign up to a lot of email lists. Don't! Just Sign up to the ones that you feel will give you some good information and won't push product after product on you.
Everyone has there own journey to take when making money online and what works for one person may not work for another. So get reading and then start doing. You will most likely make mistakes... but realize that this is just a part of the process and you need to just keep moving forward.

Kind Regards,
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Last edited by michellerana on 05 Oct 09 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: spelling errors

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
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Joined: 22 Apr 09
Hey Lordhes,
I was looking on the internet for at least a year before I chose Affilorama, I actually remember closing the email for the launch of the 1st Affilorama Blueprint Launch, six months later there it was again and I opened it up and finally had a good read and even got one of my good friends to come around and have a look through it too before making my decision. Before I came across this course I was very confused as there is so much that you can get yourself caught up in, I even just about went off track last week with the launch of yet another great product but grady and faradina reminded me not to get distracted. I know from the past that I do exactly what they say happens and that is get myself in a knot of confusion and then end up doing nothing at all. I love this course with Affilorama, the forum has been fantastic especially since I only ever really new how to send and receive emails and maybe some netbanking prior to this course. I am absolutely hooked, I love it, and know I have picked the perfect course for me. I do feel as though I have met some wonderful people through the course over emails and I have never looked back. Its just the beginning for me so good luck with your decision.

regards justine
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Last edited by michellerana on 05 Oct 09 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: spelling errors

Site Admin
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Joined: 05 May 09
Hi Lordhes,

Welcome to the forum! If you're a 4-day old newbie :) I would recommend that you start with the free lessons on Affilorama. There are at least 85 lessons and videos in the site which are available for those interested to learn about affiliate marketing and you could access them for free! We allow our members to access them for free so that they will have the chance to decide for themselves if our training and tools are right for them.

Don't to purchase anything (yet!). It would be great if you would do what Troy suggested and go through reputable internet marketing forums and see product reviews and ratings. After you have done your research, then you could buy the product that you think would work best for you :)
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Thanks to everyone who chimed in. Guess I'll wait a bit. But not too long. For me the best way of learning is doing. After 30 years of programming mid-range computers I need something new. I have already spent about 40 hours going through videos and taking notes. Have a Clickbank account and checking products by gravity and commission. It's fun. Thanks
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[Thank you, that was very cool, YOU ARE VERY RIGHT!!!!!
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This topic was started on Sep 30, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
